Friday, June 22, 2012

Lovin' The Weekend Blog Hops Week 38: June 22-June 24, 2012

Welcome to the thirty-seventh weekend of Lovin' the Weekend Blog Hops.

Giveaway Linky is the bottom linky!

First things first:
Don't forget to check out my co-host's blog
Adventures of the Mommy Homemaker

In case you didn't know, I have also started randomly choosing a Featured host each week from the Lovin' The Readers linky. This week I would like to introduce you to Melissa from Dreamweaver's Wife
Here is what she has to say
" I started blogging back in November of 2011. I had been reading some other blogs here and there and the idea of me starting one ran across my mind. I am of course addicted to facebook so I posted on there what people would think if I happen to start a blog. I had a lot of encouragement from my friends and my husband. I was told that I was real and my writing was done very well. So I took a shot. It took me awhile to keep up with it because I get so sidetracked. I start one project and never finish then move on to something else. I had some family members contact me and encourage me to keep writing so I started to keep up with the blog. During the journey I have met many other bloggers and eventually joined in a few select blog hops and it has grown since. I love participating in the blog themes and blog hops. The days that are free from the themes that is when I will write something random that is on my mind. My blog contains anything and everything from the themes to movie reviews or just a random rant I have and need to get off of my chest. I absolutely love the comments I get. 
Through blogging I am able to have a sort of release of my energy and it feels great to write. I also have started my hobby in photography and have found that through blogging I can share my photos and get feedback from someone other than family and I am learning some awesome tips and tricks through a lot of the photography blog hops. 
About myself, I was a teen mom who had to drop out of highschool but on my own I got my GED and went on to college to get my associates degree in Paralegal Studies. I had a rough start and its still not easy. I have been married three times. This time I do believe I have found my soul mate. He has supported me in everything that I have pursued. He is my biggest fan of my blog and my photography even though he does give me "constructive criticism." I have 4 kids from the ages of 14 to 16 months old. Three of them do not live with us because they are from previous marriages, my two daughters and my step son. Logan was born Feb of 2012. My little baby boy Logan lights up my life everyday. Of course all of my kids do. I never thought I would have a son of my own or have another child after I had my two girls. It is a wonderful journey learning all the baby stuff again.I have a few obsessions, fingernail polish, shopping for other people and butterflies. 
I am a stay at home and it is the most rewarding job ever! I am hoping that my hobby in photography kind of takes off so I can bring in a little extra money to help out some, and of course all of us bloggers hope to make our blog a success."

Please make sure to stop by and say hi, let them know you are visiting from the Lovin' The Weekend Blog Hops. Don't forget to link up to the Lovin' the Readers Hop if you would like a chance to be a Featured host next week. Please comment with a way to contact you, especially if there is not an obvious way mentioned on your blog. I would love to include a little write up about you and your blog in the next week's Lovin' The Weekend Blog Hop post, including a link to your blog. And you will get to include the linky codes on your blog. Sound fun? I'm looking forward to getting to know my readers better.

Here's how this blog hop works. I would appreciate it if you would follow myself,  my co-host and the Featured Host via GFC. If you no longer have GFC please follow me some other way. After that there are three different linkys you can link to. Whichever one you choose to link to, please grab that button and share it on your blog (the codes are on my sidebar). I'd love it if you could tweet or in some other way share about this blog hop, the more people who know about it, the more potential visitors and new followers of your blog. I'd love to meet some new friends this weekend.  
I have noticed that some people are more interested in just increasing their numbers, while others really want people who appreciate their blog and want to keep up with their posts. So, I decided to create two separate linkys. The third linky is for you to link up your giveaways.

If you are interested in increasing the number of followers to your blog via GFC, Linky Followers, email, Twitter, Facebook or Google+ link up here. I will follow you back if you follow me (just note which one you are linking to):

Tots and Me

If you are interested in gaining followers to your blog who will read and comment and truly find an interest in your blog, link up here:

Tots and Me

If you have family friendly giveaways to link up, here's your spot. Please make sure to include an end date for your giveaway.

Tots and Me

I am so glad you stopped by. Please leave a comment if you link up and I will be sure to stop by and follow back.

Don't forget to check out my "Blog Hops" page for other great weekend blog hops!!

Stay tuned for more info in my:

Tots and Me


  1. Thanks for hosting kewkew! I wish you and your family a wonderful weekend.

  2. Oh dear I have sent you an e-mail to both your accounts now and double sent them..I hope you receive them.

  3. Thanks for hosting... I really do enjoy blogging and meeting the people who share the same interest as I do.
    Have a good weekend.

  4. Thanks for hosting. I followed a bunch of you on twitter. @FamilyFunFood
    I added your hop button here: and also retweeted your tweet.

  5. Hi :) I'm following a few things of yours now :) Thanks for the blog hops!!!


Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love to read your comments, so please leave me one if you have the time.

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