Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sunday Photo Round-up: June 3, 2012

As I have just started a new photo challenge, and more times than not I am linking up to more than scavenger Hunt Sunday, I have decided to give these posts a new name. I will still be doing my Scavenger Hunt (I have been the most faithful in this challenge over the months), but this month I am adding in a "Photo a Day" challenge that I found over at Fat Mum Slim. And I am also linking up with a few other photo linkies.

Scavenger Hunt Sunday items: Shine, Fast, Left, Peace and Plain


Took a walk this evening to see if we could find anything that shined. We found a few. It was not quite dark out yet, but it was that time of day when people needed to have their headlights on and we could see the shine from up the road.

Then, when we were almost home Tabitha said something about getting  a picture of the sun shine. Little did she know I already had, but this one came out much better.

In this shot, the lights are shining and reflecting on the ceiling of the overhang and the sun is shining off the pumps.
(Sorry, I couldn't pick just one.)

I knew when I went out for our walk that I wanted a shot of a motorcycle or two. I was getting a little disappointed that I hadn't seen any. Then this little motor bike came down the road as we were heading home.

I had the girls walk to the left of the tree, then turn left, so I could take a picture of their left sides.

These days I don't get much peace unless baby Harold is asleep. And doesn't he look so peaceful.

The children wanted spaghetti and meatballs, which I hadn't made in a long time. I knew I wanted salad with it. Here is my plain salad before I added my dressing.  Doesn't it look so green and full of life.

June Photo a Day

Day1: Morning

After I feed the baby in the morning if daddy is home he will spend some time with him. And usually the girls will join us too.

Day 2: Empty

Our empty cups, waiting for the popcorn for our Movie and Popcorn night.

And linking up my favorite photo

(Finally got another picture of the three Harolds. Grandpa was down for Memorial day so I grabbed this shot while daddy was getting the grill fired up.)


Happily Mother After

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli


  1. These are great. Love the fast shot.

  2. My favorite is your Left photo. You are lucky to have such adorable, cooperative models!

  3. Love what you did for left. You really managed to capture fast well, also.

  4. Great pics! Especially the last one of all 3 Harolds, how special. :)

  5. Great finds this week! I have a magic mullet too, love it!

  6. Love the fast shot. Shine are all great also. The kids always make the set. Thanks

  7. I love your set this week! Plain salads are the best.

  8. I'm really going to have to take advantage of any sleep time my baby has as well.

  9. Aw, love your peace shot! Nothing better than a peaceful baby, and an adorable one at that!

  10. Good Set. - I tried to get a Motorcycle shot for fast but mine wasn't as good as yours.
    Peace - Awww...what a cutie.
    Left is my favorite of your set. They look adorable.

  11. Ha...that "fast" shot is too cool. Congrats on your baby boy!

  12. Great captures! :)

  13. I like the motion you captured in "fast".

  14. Loving the image of the 3 "Harolds." What a special moment. :)

  15. aw baby Harold is adorable! I love that you captured the three of them together. SO cool!


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