Everyone loves to receive cards. Everyone loves to receive mail. The best way is a card in the mail. But then you read the card and what do you do with it. Sit it up on the counter or the fridge, or a shelf. What happens when you need the space for something else. You throw the card out or recycle it. What if you get a birthday card for a child. They just throw on the side, and never look at it again. And what about the wasted paper. The card and the envelope.
Fly Disk is the new way to send cards. Yes they go through the mail, but it’s a Flying card. You can customize what you want on it. The picture and the saying. There is no wasted paper at all either. They put a label on it and send it to you. Now when you get this “card” you can read it, play with it, and have a lot of fun with it.
Here is your chance to win one for yourself
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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