Saturday, February 12, 2011

School Time: Week 21 (Hh and Valentine's Day)

  I was so glad that our Hh week ended up being on the week before Valentine's Day.  We were able to make lots of cute heart related crafts.  We made

(I was inspired by several people who linked up to my Valentines Link Up.  However, most of them used store bought mailboxes.  As those are not something I was able to purchase I decided to see if I could create my own.)

You can check out my Valentines Activities Link Up Post to see other amazing ideas for Valentines Day.

We started out the week with an H Muffin Tin (there was no theme, so I went with the letter of the week.)

I also pulled out the handwriting worksheets I had created over at Handwriting for Kids.  I was able to type in my own words and it generated a worksheet with the words in dotted form to be traced.

For Amelia, I pulled out the worksheets I printed out from

(She's supposed to be circling the H's)

(The she was supposed to write some of her own.  I decided she needed them a little bigger than the boxes above, so I wrote one for her to copy.

Tabitha has been having a great time working on her farm puzzle she got from grandma for her birthday.  She had a bit of help the first time and has been working on it several time since, all by herself.

We missed Play Group this week because the car was in the shop.  However, Storytime started back up today and I surprised them with a trip to the library. 

Speaking of libraries.  We read some really cute books this week.  I found two of them over at Lindsay's blog, Bytes of Memory.  She had linked her activities from last year up to my Valentines Activities Link up.  We read Mouse in Love by Robert Kraus, which is an adorable story told from the viewpoint of an unknown questioner asking the little mouse why he's so dreamy and he replies, "I'm in love."  But he doesn't know who he is in love with.  The reader follows the mouse as he tries to find his love, with playground equipment substituting for palaces, airplanes and more.

Another book I chose from Lindsay's list was Valentine Mice! by Bethany Roberts.  In this story 4 mice visit forest friends to deliver valentines. Along the way one of the mice is left behind.  As it is mentioned over at Amazon in the Reviews, an observant reader will notice this long before the mouse's friends do.  I wasn't observant!  This was a cute book, though the one word sentences didn't seem to flow very well for me.  The children seemed to enjoy it though.

The girls spent a lot of time on again this week.  Check out last week's post for some information on it.  I may post more about it next week as they use it more.

Tiny Tot Time
Yes, Hannah fingerpainted this week.  We fingerpainted to make the Showers of Love Hearts.

Yummy? Don't worry, it was a non toxic homemade recipe.  Just follow the link above for the Showers of Love if you want the recipe.

I decided she had had enough paint.  She would have loved more.

This is Tabitha's very blurry picture of me helping Hannah make thumbprint hearts.

While you are here, I invite you to check out my giveaway for World Wide Montessori Online.  You could win a Free Montessori Course for Pre-Primary Children (Ages 2-6).  This course includes her 12 albums/training manuals, plus interaction on Yahoo Groups with fellow students and lectures on Montessori.  The value of this fantastic course is $240 and you can win it here to take the 2 year course for free.  After the completion of the course you will receive a certificate. 
So, if you have ever been interested or remotely curious about Montessori I would recommend checking out her course and the giveaway which ends February 19th.

I'm am linking up to

preschool corner

Tot School


Shibley Smiles

play academy


  1. Oh wow! Lots of hearty craftiness one as lovely as the next! Too sweet!

    Thank you for linking up to Kids Get Crafty - love seeing you there!


  2. What a fun post! And how cute are your kiddos! I'm following along via a hop...blessings!

  3. Great heart-themed week. We loved both books you mentioned, and thanks for the link to handwriting for kids and for joining WMCIR.

  4. Fun!!! Looks like they all had fun.

  5. The heart person turned out so cute!

  6. Great week...Thanks for sharing the great links!

    Forest Rose


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