Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Girl is 4 years old!!!

I can not believe Tabitha is already 4 years old!  Her birthday was actually on Saturday, but with getting the new computer hooked up and getting everything situated I am only now getting the chance to post about it. 

Our celebration started last Tuesday.  Steven had made a special cake for her.

We have been reading the Rainbow Fairies books by Daisy Meadows and I thought it would be nice to make a "Fairy" Castle for her cake.  Didn't Steven do a fantastic job?  (He was going to college for Culinary Arts, but that didn't work out.  He'd like to go back next year for baking.)

We took the cake to play group, because this year it was a little tricky trying to get everyone gathered here.

Tabitha wanted one of the ice cream cone towers (so did Amelia, but as we didn't have enough to go around we told her she would have to wait til the next day to have one.).

She got a couple of dresses and a couple of cars, which my friend's son wanted to give her and my friend thought she may not like.  Tabitha started playing with them right away.

And she kept carrying the bag around.

After the "party" (playgroup plus cake) we went out for pizza.

I let her open grandma's gifts that evening.  She got some undies, socks, a puzzle and a Giving Bank, which I always wanted for the older children.  There is a bank for savings, store for spending and church for giving.

Hannah enjoyed the box.

Tabitha had a second cone cake the next day and I wanted a better picture.

Then on her birthday grandparents were able to come down for a visit and we had pizza once again.

And more cake.

And a few more presents.  Her sister bought her a Dora coloring/sticker book and made her a scarf.  We bought her the next level Brain Quest workbook that she liked so well last year.

Can't believe my girl is 4.  She has grown so much. 


  1. Happy 4th Birthday! Love the cake :-)

  2. AWW! Happy Birthday to her. She looks so happy!

  3. Happy 4th Birthday!! Love the cake! He did a great job!

  4. Happy 4th!! I love the cake too!!

  5. Happy Birthday Tabitha! Cake looks great!


  6. What a cute cake. He did a great job. Visiting from the Chatty Mommy blog hop.

  7. Happy 4th Birthday! What a great cake! He did a wonderful job!

    Newest follower from Bloggy Mom
    Would love if you would follow back :-)

  8. Thanks so much for following me and for your nice comment, I'm now your newest follower too! What a great party! My oldest will turn 4 this May, so I'm already starting to look for ideas. :)


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