Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Our Heart Person

I decided I wanted to post a little more often this week, each time we finish a Valentine related project in fact.  That way others can see what we are doing to get ready for Valentine's Day.  I figure it would give people a chance to do the activity/craft if they want to.  Today's craft will be linked up to my Valentines Activities Link Up and JDaniel4's Mom's Virtual Valentine's Day Party.

Today we made Heart People for two reasons.  We are decorating for Valentine's Day and we are working on the letter H (I didn't plan this to coincide this way, but I'll take it).  This craft is not new to me.  I used to make these years ago and they were not my idea, but it is still fun.

I prepared a big and a small heart for each of the girls to cut out and two strips of paper with a line down the middle so they could cut out legs and arms.

Tabitha cut out her own hearts! I didn't know she could cut something so complicated out so well.

Amelia still needs help.  She insists on doing it herself, but does ask me to do it after a while.

They glued on little hearts for eyes and a nose, then they drew on a mouth and added hair, buttons, and colored the bigger heart for clothing.  I asked if they wanted to give the Heart Woman shoes and they liked that idea, so I let them pick a pair out from the pile I have for another project.

As usual, they wanted to play with their creations.

I insisted they get hung up so as to not be ruined.  Amelia wanted to hug hers.

And Tabitha wanted to give her's a kiss. 

(yes our Christmas wreaths are still up.  Hubby mentioned something about them today)

They spent quite a bit of time talking to them while they were hanging up, asking me when they could come down, etc.

Head on over to these links to see what others are doing to get ready for Valentine's Day. And if you have something of your own to share I would appreciate if you link up.  Just click on the buttons to head to the link ups. 

Tots and Me

1 comment:

  1. I love their long legs. They really are so cute!

    Thanks for linking to the Virtual Valentine's Day Party! I am enjoying everyone's ideas.


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