Monday, February 21, 2011

Menu Plan Monday: My First One

I have seen other bloggy moms sharing their menus which they plan out for the week and finally decided to take the plunge.  I am tired of not having good answers to, "What's for dinner tonight?" and having to scrounge at the last minute.  Then there are the times I think I can make something and discovered I am lacking a main ingredient, like the flour for last night's pancakes.  So, without further ado, here is my first ever menu plan for the  week of February 21st.  Here's hoping it becomes a weekly post.


Monday- Slow cooker pork chops in cream of mushroom soup, brown rice and salad
Tuesday- Turkey Chili
Wednesday-Chicken nuggets, boiled potatoes and carrots
Thursday- Breakfast For Dinner Thursday
Friday- Tacos
Saturday- Salmon Burgers and salad
Sunday- Leftovers

1 comment:

  1. Nice menu. I like the Salmon Burger option. Thank you for sharing


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