Monday, April 17, 2017

5 Days of Homeschool Blog Hop 2017: Introduction to International Studies for Young Children

5 Days of International Studies for Young Children

We have been using My Father's World Exploring Countries and Cultures during the 2016-2017 school year. The children and I have really been enjoying learning about all the different countries we have "visited." I decided it would be fun to share some of what we have been doing during this 5-Day Blog Hop. 

5 Days of Homeschool Annual Blog Hop - 2017
We started out our year with a review of the United States of America. As this is an "International" Studies series, I am not going to be sharing about those lessons. We began our travels in Mexico and after that we headed up north to Canada. After that we headed south to Brazil in South America. After a few weeks there we finally made our way across the Atlantic Ocean. While in Europe we visited Norway, France, and Germany. We then headed south to Kenya in Africa. 
As this is a 5-day blog hop, I will not be able to share about all of the countries we have been to. I will be starting this series by sharing about our time in Mexico. As I complete each day's post, I will update this introductory post with a link to the newest post. So, I hope you are ready to travel with me as we explore five of these interesting countries and cultures. I will be sharing the books we read, movies we watched, activities and crafts we did, and possibly a recipe we tried. 
Day 1: Mexico
Day 2: Canada
Day 3: Norway
Day 4: France
Day 5: Germany

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