Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Wordless Wednesday: April 12, 2017 (w/linky) : Happy 7th Birthday Hannah!

Hannah is 7 years old! 

How in the world did that happen??

Let's take a stroll down memory lane, shall we.


1 Year Old

2 Years Old

3 Years Old

4 Years old

5 Years Old

6 Years old

Happy 7th Birthday Hannah!

Working on the traditional banner:

Birthday Breakfast Prep:

Traditional "Top-of-the-Steps" Picture:

Birthday breakfast:

Card time:

7 Year Old Birthday Tradition: Out for a meal at Ponderosa:

Special treat. Attending a Choral Worship Service at our church.
We got to see the Eastern Mennonite High School Touring Choir.
They were wonderful!

Back home for present time:

She gave Tabitha a kiss (by her mouth but in the air) and thought it was hilarious.

Aww, they do love each other:

Two pictures just to prove it:

Birthday spankings:

And what is a birthday without a birthday cake. Though we did forget candles, so one of my jar candles had to do.

The jar candle also made it easier for daddy to tease Hannah, making it very tricky to blow out her candle.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

Tots and Me


  1. Happy Birthday, Hannah! Kids are notorious for doing exactly what you do not want them to do - grow up (and worse)! lol Your birthday celebration reminds me so much of the ones we had with ours when they were young and still at home. Boy, I sure do miss those times. Yes, the times when I barely had a second to myself and kids screaming Mommy for no reason at all about 95% of the time. Thanks for putting a smile on my face with your photo share and linkup with not-so Wordless Wednesday featuring my daily AprilA2Z edition of Art Sketching Through the Alphabet with the letter "J". Have a good day and God bless!

  2. Thank you for hosting the party... what a blessing to make so many memories with the birthday girl... and the family. :)

  3. Please tell her that I wish her a Happy Birthday, too.


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