Friday, April 21, 2017

5 Days of International Studies for Young Children: France

Learning About France

Welcome back to the 5 Days of Homeschool... Blog Hop. In case you haven't heard, this is the week my fellow Homeschool Review Crew Crew Mates and I are taking the time to share different topics related to homeschooling. 

5 Days of Homeschool Annual Blog Hop - 2017
I have been sharing some of the fun things we have been learning about in our studies of Countries and Cultures from around the world. On our last stop I talked about Norway. Today I will share what we did while we were in France.

I knew what I wanted to give the children for a snack when we were in France. Croissants. The snack consisted of half a croissant with cheese and half a croissant with melted chocolate chips, plus some fruit. 

Again, most of our knowledge about France came from the books we read:

Our art project centered on the impressionist style of art. These are the books we read:

And then the children tried their hand at painting in the impressionist style.

For our End of Visit Feast we had a breakfast-for-dinner type meal. We made crepes and a crustless quiche plus had a fruit platter.

I found the recipe for the crepes at Taste of Home: Chocolate-Hazelnut Banana Crepes.

And I found a Trim Healthy Mama friendly recipe for Crustless Quiche over at Mrs. Criddle's Kitchen.

They sort of helped with the quiche, but daddy had to work that night, so I was in a rush and didn't get pictures taken.

As with our stay in other countries, we learned some of the language. During calendar time we said the days of the week and counted in French. We learned some common phrases and the colors. 

We watched three movies that are set in France:

Madeline (live action movie)
Beauty and the Beast

We sang the following songs with our WeeSing Around the World CD:

Wee Falorie Man
Coulter's Candy
Lavender's Blue
All the Ducklings
Frere Jacques

And that was what we did when we were "visiting" France.
Stay tuned for a look at our trip to Germany, coming up tonight.
I am linking up as a part of this Blog Hop.
Don't miss the other wonderful posts!
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1 comment:

  1. What a fun trip! I've always wanted to visit France :)
    Those crepes look amazing - great job, kids!
    I must say, though, my favorite two things you've shown us - croissants with chocolate, and those egg-carton paint palettes!
    It's been a fun week :-)


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