Tuesday, July 9, 2013

2013-2014 Schoolhouse Planners Giveaway

Well, it's that time of year again. It's time to start planning for the next school year. One of my goals for this year is to be more organized. While it hasn't been extremely important while the children have been young, I am going to have to start reporting to the school district in a couple of years and I want to make sure I have everything organized properly to cut down on the stress. I figured this year would be a good practice run to see if I have what it takes to continue homeschooling as the children reach school age. It has been so simple for me to teach preschool level materials as I have worked in the Montessori and another day care prior to having the children. But, this school age thing has me thrown for a loop. I am so thankful to have found some great planners from The Old Schoolhouse Magazine and Schoolhouseteachers.com (a division of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine which I reviewed for the TOS Review Crew back in December of 2012) and I would love to share them with you.

This is the "Big Mama" 2013-2014 Schoolhouse Planner.
There is just so much information packed into this customizable planner. You'll find tons of forms to help you organize not just your homeschool, but your home as well. Most of the forms are able to be edited on the computer, you can then choose to save them on the computer or print them out (me I will need to print them out, I need physical copies, but it is great that I will have a copy on the computer as I tend to lose things), and you can even print them out and fill them in by hand. 

There are several different calendars: year at a glance for 2013 and 2014, and single or double page monthly calendars. 

There are forms galore. Forms for planning the course of study (such as assignments, objectives, homeschool requirements, convention planning and even preschool organization and checklists), forms for keeping track of your curriculum, forms for evaluations through the school year (including book logs, audio/video logs, extracurricular activity logs and standardized testing result forms), forms for organizing field trips (which also includes co-op information), a file on Lists of Lists (such as Top Picks, What Not to Do or Use again, and To-Do lists), and scheduling forms (such as weekly planning by subject, weekly schedule forms for 2, 3, 4 or 5 children, daily plans, goals and extra curricular activities)

There are also notebooking and journal sheets to print and use. You will find both print and cursive worksheets, nature journals, regular journals, book report forms and even science lab pages.  There are even Unit Study planning pages. 

And that is not all. You will also get a slew of "Must Know Lists" in multiple subjects. These subjects include: Fine Arts, Geography, Mathematics, Science, History, Canada and Language Arts. 

In addition to all these forms and lists, you will also receive helpful homeschooling articles. 

And if that is not enough, they also included a separate file of household forms and information, which I have not had the time to really look at in detail. I did see gardening, pet and car information, plus chore charts, but there is so much more (over 80 pages worth of information and forms in fact).

This is the Primary Schoolhouse Planner

You will find articles that are written especially for primary students. There are calendars, planning pages for homeschool and home, field trip report sheets, book and video logs, chore charts and a Bible reading schedule. There are also informational lists such as Caldecott and Newbery award winners, Biblical lists, grammar rules, story starters, math tables and animal classification charts. There are over 200 pages of information and forms.

The following planners are also found at schoolhouseteachers.com. However, I have not downloaded them as I do not have a use for them yet. The descriptions that follow are directly from the website.
This is the Intermediate Schoolhouse Planner

Watch your middle schoolers gain time-management skills with the 2013-14 Intermediate Schoolhouse Planner. Your 5th to 8th graders will enjoy:
  • Interesting articles written just for them.
  • Planning sheets and calendars
  • Forms for writing goals, course objectives, and book reports.
  • A kid’s financial record, Bible reading schedules, and an address book.
Help your pre-teen gain independence and organizational skills with the 2013-14 Intermediate Schoolhouse Planner.

This is the High School Schoolhouse Planner

Prepare your high schooler for life after homeschool. Develop time management and organization skills with the 2013-14 High School Schoolhouse Planner. Inside your high schooler will find:
  • Encouraging articles for him written by homeschool graduates, as well as expertly written articles to help with study skills, college planning, and creating a high school course.
  • Calendar and planning pages, record-keeping forms, transcripts, and forms for goal planning and objectives.
  •  A guide for planning a high school course of study.
  •  A college checklist, forms for tracking scholarship information, and for exploring career ideas.
  •  Logs for tracking community service, discipleship, bible memorization, and independent study.
Your 9th to 12th grader will gain a lifetime of time-management skills with the 2013-14 High School Schoolhouse Planner.

This is the Special Learners Schoolhouse Planner

Homeschooling your special needs child requires an extra measure of organization and planning. Look at these tools inside the 2013-14 Special Learners Schoolhouse Planner:
  •  Helpful articles written by special needs experts like Carol Barnier, Cynthia Ulrich Tobias, and Melinda Boring, as well as homeschooling mothers of special learners.
  •  Interactive calendars, planning pages, and household organization charts.
  •  Homeschool Individualized IEP, medical and therapy forms, and weekly food and behavior diaries.
  •  Task analysis cards to help teach life skills.
  •  And much more!
Make your year successful for you and your special needs learner with the 2013-14 Special Learners Schoolhouse Planner.
The prices listed above are for non-members of schoolhouseteachers.com.
You can have access to all of these planners by becoming a member of schoolhouseteachers.com. The cost to become a member is just $3 for the first month and $12.95/month thereafter. Alternately, you can sign up for the entire year for just $139. To see what you would get for your membership, you can head over to the site and you can also read my review here.

I have been given the opportunity to GIVE AWAY 2 of these planners to one of my readers. The winner will receive The Big Mama Planner and their choice of one of the other planners (Primary, Intermediate, High School or Special Learners). 

All you need to do is enter in the Rafflecopter form below. There are only 3 simple mandatory entries, with the remainder of the entries being optional. Remember, you do not have to do the extra entries, but they will increase your odds of winning. 

This giveaway is open to US to those 18 and over. 
The giveaway runs July 9th through July 14th
Thanks for stopping by and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I receive access to all of the Schoolhouse Planners from schoolhouseteachers.com for being a member of the TOS Review Crew. This did not in any way influence my review. I only recommend products I use personally and feel will be a good products for my readers.


  1. I think the Special Needs Planner. Thanks for the chance to win :)

  2. I'd choose the Primary Planner as the 2nd one! Thanks for a great giveaway! :)

  3. I'd choose the Primary Planner to go with the Big Mama planner! Thanks for a great giveaway!

  4. The Primary Planner. Thanks.

  5. I've been curious about the TOS planners for a few years now. This would be an excellent time to "try it on for size!"
    I think I'd like the High School Schoolhouse Planner would be a nice "extra" to help my older boy with his course management schedule.
    Thank you for the opportunity!

  6. I have been curious about the TOS planners for a few years, this would be an excellent opportunity to "try it on for size."
    I think the High School Schoolhouse Planner would be a nice extra to encourage my older son in his course management throughout the coming school year.
    Thank you for this opportunity.

  7. I would choose the primary planner. My daughter is 8 and this will be the first year I will have her keep her own planner. This would be PERFECT!

  8. I would choose the primary planner. My oldest daughter will be 8 this year and the is the first year I will have her keep her own planner. This one would be PERFECT!

  9. Id love to win the Primary planner!

  10. The primary planner! My kids are in 1st and 2nd grades :)

  11. The primary planner would really help my boys with our first year homeschooling.

  12. Primary! So awesome.

  13. I would love, and use, the High School Planner. Thanks!

  14. I would chose the High School Planner. :)

  15. I would chose the High School Planner! :)

  16. I would love to have the Intermediate Planner

  17. I would like the primary planner.

  18. I would choose the high school planner.

  19. My daughter would love to use the Intermediate Schoolhouse Planner!

  20. My daughter would love the Intermediate Schoolhouse Planner!


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