Monday, July 1, 2013

P is for Patriotic Pasta Sparkler Activity

I had plans of sharing about some really neat Planners for my P post for Blogging Through the Alphabet. Then I turned around and saw this huge mess of spaghetti on my dining room floor and kitchen floor. 

Yes, at first I was quite upset, I have to be honest. But as I was cleaning it up an activity idea popped into my head. It has been awhile since I have thought of a new Montessori-type activity for the children, so I was quite excited. I figured the Planner post could wait a day (just for the record, you will want to stop back if you are on the lookout for a Homeschool Planner. There is going to be a giveaway with the post). 

Now, onto the Patriotic Pasta Sparkler Activity.

Here is what you will need:

A paper towel roll cut down to 5 1/2 inches
Red, white and blue construction paper cut into strips measuring 6 inches by 2 inches
White glue
10 pieces of spaghetti
10 straws (5 blue/white, 5 red/white)
Red, white and blue pony beads (10 each)
Cheese shaker w/o the lid
A tray to hold the activity
A red or blue lid to hold the beads (I use a peanut butter lid)

In order to get the activity set up, first cover the tube red, white and blue.  I started by putting the white strip in the middle.

Then I put on the blue paper.

And I finished with the red paper.

I put the tube in the cheese shaker.

Here is the activity ready to be used. 

The first step for the child is to put the straws in the tube.

Then they add the spaghetti, one strand per straw.

Then I told the girls to add one red, one white and one blue bead on each piece of spaghetti. I didn't care which order they put them in. 

 This gave them a chance to explore the different combinations they could come up with.


  1. What a cute, yet simple craft. :)

  2. What a cute activity for small people!

  3. Absolutely adorable, Karen! And just in time for the holiday Friday! :)

    Thank you so much for hosting Throwback Thursdays! :)


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