Thursday, July 11, 2013

Q is for Questions, Queries and Quotes

Have you ever taken the time to write down the funny, insightful or just plain cute quotes that your children come up with? I have. Unfortunately, I haven't been doing it as much lately. Usually, by the time I have something to write on or with I have forgotten what was said. Or, if I do get it written down, I lose the paper I wrote it on. This is actually quite upsetting to me, because I know how much I will forget as the children grow older. I hardly remember anything of what the older children said when they were younger. They are now 21, 20 and 16. I remember when these little ones were born I wanted to make sure to capture the memories. I had been doing a pretty good job, but lately, it just isn't happening. 

Up until a year ago I was participating in Tiny Talk Tuesday, recording and sharing the funny, insightful and cute things the girls would say. I was just so busy with an infant and three little girls, that it just fell to the wayside. I am thinking it is time to revive this tradition. I have gone a year without writing down these quotes, except for a few that I captured, but never shared. These are memories that have been lost and can never be retrieved. I would encourage you to write down what your children say, even if you don't share. These days go by so fast and it is so hard to remember these little things. 

Additionally, I used to host a weekly meme called Words of Wisdom Wednesday. It started out similar to Tiny Talk Tuesday, just recording what was said by the girls. When I discovered there was already a linky called Tiny Talk Tuesday, I decided to change my meme. In Words of Wisdom Wednesday I posted the answers to a question I posed to the girls each week.  I just wanted to get them thinking and I was intrigued by the way their minds work.  I invited others to ask the same question to their children and post their answer on their blog and then link up. It has been two years since I did this, and I thought it would be fun to revisit the questions and see how the children's answers will change. 

I had asked questions such as, "Why do you think we exercise?" and "Why do we sleep?"

So, what do you think? Would you like to join in? If so, here is the question I am going to pose to the girls this week:
How do we get dressed?

I invite you to ask your children the same question and stop back next Wednesday to link up. 


  1. This is definitely something I might get get involved with... I record what my kids say too... but like you, I don't keep GOOD track of it. I also lose the little pieces of paper. :) Doing this meme with you, might get me to keep better track of it!

  2. If I don't write something down I definitely forget it! I need to get better about writing down some of the funny things my daughter says!

  3. hard to do cos' i don't have kids....

  4. Hard cos' i don't have kids....

  5. I love joining hops and meme's! But it seems like the ones I REALLY enjoyed joining when I first started blogging has died out.. :(

  6. Yeah, I always think I'm going to remember something, but then I always forget it. This is a cute idea, and I'd consider doing it if I could find the time. Count me half in :)

  7. I love this idea - it is so fun to ask your kids questions and really give into why they say or do things :)

  8. I wish I had done that when my kids were younger. You forget so much as they grow up!

  9. Love the post! I will have to share this with my sisters who are both raising toddlers! xo xo


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