Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Sunday Photo Round Up on Tuesday (oops)

It's time for me to share my photo challenge photos from this week.
First, let's get going with this week's Scavenger Hunt Sunday:

Cooler colors, leaves, iced beverage, cooling off, raw)
(These can really speak for themselves this week)

Cooler Colors

(Those are some big leaves.)

Iced Beverage
Our favorite indulgence, frozen mocha waiting for us while we play at the park.

Cooling off
In addition to cooling off himself, he was cooling off a little toy bear.

Some raw cherry tomatoes, fresh out of our garden.

and one of them became Bob to go with a Larry for lunch. Well, 3 of them really as each girl had a Bob and Larry.

Now onto
July Photo a Day

As I am so far behind with posting about my Photo a Day I am going to share an end of month post tomorrow (I hope) with all the pictures for July.

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