Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Muffin Tin Monday: Independence Day 2013

I can't believe I forgot to post my muffin tin post yesterday. And I even had a muffin tin that went with the topic. I had planned a patriotic tin anyway, cool huh?
Nothing fancy. Just red, white and blue!
Here is what they had:

Red grape tomatoes 
White cheddar cheese cubes
Blue tinted milk
Red, white and blue fruit (red grapes and blueberries on top of Cool Whip)
Chicken and stars soup
Patriotic goldfish
Star shaped pb&j sandwich.

Harold received just about the same foods, just cut up smaller.


  1. Love the red, white, and blue coupled with the stars!! And looks like my kind of lunch - I love everything in it! Have a happy 4th of July! :)

  2. I like your patriotic tin! That was a good idea to tint the milk blue. I am planning to make another Independence Day lunch for T this week, and I just might have to tint his milk "red" since I happen to have some Hershey's strawberry syrup in the refrigerator! :)

    ~Too funny that your tin contains chicken and stars soup. I was grocery shopping tonight and noticed a bag of star pasta and thought, "Oh! I should have made some soup or some mac and cheese with star pasta in it for T's lunch." lol.

    Lastly, where did YOU find those cool red, white, and blue goldfish??! FYI, the star marshmallows are Kraft brand, and I bought them at Wal-Mart. On Thursday (the 4th), we're going to use them when we make s'mores! Yummy...and festive, too, right?!!

    Have a terrific week...and thanks for visiting Koogle's Korner! :)


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