Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday Photo Round-Up: July 7, 2013

It's time for me to share my photo challenge photos from this week.
First, let's get going with this week's Scavenger Hunt Sunday:

Red, White, Blue, Stars, Sparkle
(These can really speak for themselves this week)





(The light is reflecting off of her shirt which has a star made out of sequins)
Now onto
June/July Photo a Day

June Day 30: Handwriting

The girls were writing letters to their new penpals. Tabitha was doing pretty good, but was getting tired of writing, so I took over. She then signed her own name.

July Day 1: Happiness Is...

Happiness is finding her Scout and daddy putting new batteries in him. 

Day 2: Shoes

I wasn't sure what to do for this prompt, so I just looked through my pictures from this week and tried to find one with at least one of the children's feet in it with shoes on. This was the only shot I could find. He had fallen asleep waiting for the fireworks to start. 
I have one of Harold handing me shoe after shoe after shoe, but I can't remember when it was taken so I can't find it.

Day 3: Cold

We have an assortment of cold treats in the freezer to help cool us off on cold days. This was my treat of choice for that day, an Italian Ice.

Day 4: Red, White [and] Blue

Huge line up of "Port-a-Potties" at the playground where we went to see the fireworks. Gotta love that they were patriotic too.

Day 5: Love
The girls love playing in the sprinkler, Harold, not so much.

Day 6: Fave Smell
I realized while scrolling through the Photo-a-Day FB group page and seeing everyone's pictures, that I have quite a few favorite smells. Popcorn popping at a movie theater, lemon, baby powder, and probably quite a few more. I chose to go with my favorite summer scent, fresh mowed grass.

And I'm continuing on with

ABC Friday

ABC Friday gives you a chance to share a random photo with a challenge!
Each week is a new letter theme, starting with A of course, we will work our way through the alphabet.
All you have to do is post a picture with the letter theme for that week…. A is for Auto, B is for Beach, C is for Cake….I think you get it.
This is not Wordless Wednesday, feel free to share in words what the photo is all about! or not, it’s up to you!
Z is for Zipper

The children are able to take bags to there seats at church which have been filled with coloring materials. This black pouch is what holds the crayons, pencil, stencil and eraser.

I am joining in with another photo scavenger hunt this week. The girls were supposed to help me, but I really ended up doing it on my own this week.






  1. Great shots of a bunch of different challenges!!

  2. These are great! Love the sparkly star reflection!

  3. You did a great job with this post. I love the little sleeping baby, aww. I remember when the kids used to fall asleep waiting for events. :)

    Happy weekend to you!

  4. You always have a fun bunch of photo's. I think my favorite from your SHS set was the Sparkle shot. Her expression is just precious. Good shot for White with the fireworks and the red one as well.

  5. whoa! you've been busy behind the camera. I must say, my fave is SPARKLE - how ingenious to take the pic of your daughter's shirt sparkling on the ceiling of the car/van.


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