Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sunday Photo Round-up: August 12, 2012

Mobile, Hanging By a Thread, Collage, Always Look on the Bright Side, Home

Mobile and Collage
I was playing around with the effects on my mobile phone while the girls were in VBS. Thought the resulting pictures would make a nice collage.

Hanging By a Thread
Maybe a bit of a stretch, but parts of this curtain are almost hanging on by a little more than a thread because Tabitha used to be scissor happy.

 Always Look on the Bright Side
A shot of the sky at the first preseason Bills game this past week. The clouds were rolling in and we were looking on the bright side that it wasn't raining yet. And it didn't rain until we were on the way home. 

Getting in the car at home, on our way to the Bills game.

Now onto 
August Photo a Day

Day 5: Logo
Hubby has a couple of scrubs with the Bills logo on them. He was determined to wear this shirt on his last day to work before the Bills game.  Then they called him in on an extra day anyway.

 Day 6: Writing
Writing down my photo challenge list so I might happen to remember to take the pictures before the last minute. Didn't work to well. 

 Day 7: 8 o'clock
Pretty new sunflower clock hubby got.  Isn't it nice that you can change the time on the clock, because that is what I did to get a picture of 8 o'clock instead of at 8 o'clock.

 Day 8: Glasses
My seen better days glasses. I have had these for years. The frames are almost the same age as Tabitha as I had to get new ones right before she was born. I remember breaking the old frames and being so upset that I wouldn't be able to see my baby clearly. The lenses on the other hand are even older.

 Day 9: Messy
Still working on getting the playroom organized. At least we can see the floor now.

 Day 10: Ring
My wedding ring sits on the window sill above the kitchen sink. I stopped wearing it when pregnant because my fingers were swollen and I just can't get myself back into the habit of wearing a ring (much to hubby's dismay).

 Day 11: Purple
A few of my cookie cutters; they come in a rainbow of colors.

 And linking up my favorite photo:

(I thought this was hilarious. The girls wanted to sleep in the same bed the one night. In fact they wanted to sleep in Amelia's but I explained that it probably wouldn't be a good idea as hers is just a toddler bed and they would probably both fall out. I figured that if they fell out of Tabitha's it would be a big deal as it is just a mattress on the floor. When I went to bed I saw this cute sight.)


Happily Mother After

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli


  1. Visiting from SHS. - Very nice set.
    That Collage was darling - Loved the Pirate photo in it.
    Hanging by a thread made me chuckle because our curtains are a bit ripped up but done by one of our cats instead of a kid.

  2. So excited to see the season starting & games are happening. I so love football season. So awesome that you were able to go to the game.

  3. Sunday Photo Round-up: August 12, 2012 Cant wait to be the luck winner!!!

  4. Football fun! Thank you for sharing at YSB this week.

  5. I love the picture of the girls sleeping.


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