Tuesday, August 14, 2012

First Day of School Traditions in our Homeschool

Well, we started back to school yesterday and I was determined to make "Back to School" a fun and exciting time of year for the girls. Think hubby and I may have succeeded. 
I always loved back to school time growing up. I loved going shopping for a couple of new outfits (still remember one from junior high). I thought it was great to have new school gear and meet my new teachers and get new textbooks (that were hopefully in good condition). While I am homeschooling the girls, I still want them to have a memorable time. Last year we started the tradition of taking school photos. I don't remember if they were taken on the first day of school though. This year taking photos was one of our First Day of School fun events. But before we did that there are some other neat things we did. I actually came up with some ideas because of an article in Focus on the Family's Thriving Family magazine. The author of this article had stated how she, in her homeschool, hadn't wanted to 

A new morning poster for our school area:

Out to breakfast with daddy:

Hannah helping mommy decorate with balloons and a banner, made using our Doodle Roll I received to review for the Back to Preschool Blast.

A sign welcoming the girls to school.

I set out their new school supplies at the school table.

The girls arriving at school:

Took our school pictures. These are the fun, "dance around and stop when mommy says to" poses. I will be sharing their other ones next week with the "Not" Back to Homeschool hop.

And we have to have a "class" picture!

What kind of Back to School Traditions do you have? 
(whether you homeschool or not)

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Would love to read about yours!

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Meghan Tucker


  1. Awww I love how you got pics of them "arriving" at school. What sweet memories you are helping your children create.

  2. How precious. I love how you make a big deal of the first day of school .... at your home. Special!

  3. I have enough trouble keeping my toddler occupied. I cannot imagine having to teach multiple kids every day.

  4. That's so cool!! I don't do anything like that with my girls~ basically bc I'm not organized enough. Maybe we'll do a breakfast this year...
    Thanks for the idea!

  5. What a fun way to go back to school I love the pictures of them next the easel. They'll really be able to see how they've grown and changed every year. Since we school year round, we don't have any special back to school traditions.

  6. What a super fun way to start back to school, we normally have breakfast together, dress up in our first day of school clothes, pictures then everyone gets dropped off.

  7. I am homeschooling and sending one off, so these are helpful ideas. Found your blog through
    JDaniels4mom's and am now following you, would you mind visiting my blog and following me too?:)

  8. How wonderful that they have a special arrival at school! I bet they loved going out to lunch too.

    Thank you so much for sharing your Back to School traditions.


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