Friday, August 17, 2012

2012-2013 "School" Room

Not Back to School Blog Hop

We started school this week on Monday with some great new traditions. In the post I shared a bit of what our school area looks like. Unfortunately the baby hasn't given me a chance to get it all organized the way I would like it. Here is what I have accomplished so far.

We are using the same area in our dining room that we did last year. I fixed our Caterpillar Word Family Pictures poster and made a new Morning Poster.

I had hubby move the filing cabinet out of the room because I wanted to have this poster open up. I wanted to do this last year but never got to it.

All of the things can be attached with Velcro.

Here is a different view of our area.

And our easel.

Also linking up to:

Meghan Tucker

1 comment:

  1. That is such a cute idea! I liked it before (that always moves my heart and shifts my attitude) I knew it opened up and then I was like super cool.


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