Sunday, August 5, 2012

Pro Body Groomer Giveaway #Bodygroom @ShaveExperts (ends 8/15)

How about a giveaway for the special man in your life?

Men's Pro Body Groomer Giveaway brought to you by

          jenny at dapperhouse & Koupon Krazed

Thanks to the Shave Experts, you have the 
opportunity to enter this giveaway to win 
Phillips Norelco Pro Body Groomer for all
your trimming and shaving needs. 

The man in your life will love this!! 

This is an excellent product with above average 
features and ratings. You can read all about it 
HERE on the product review and get excited 
about winning this awesome giveaway!

And go HERE for all Product features. 

It is selling for an average of $50 - $70 
at various retailers and worth every penny! 

 Giveaway begins on Aug 6th  and  ends on  Aug 15th. 

 Remember to come back daily to get more entries in to WIN!
** It is important to remember to check your spam & junk mail on Aug 16th in case you WIN**

Thanks for stopping by Tots and Me. It is my pleasure to bring this great giveaway to my readers. Good luck in the giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Disclaimer - Must be 18 years or older to participate in this giveaway. Facebook and Twitter are in no way sponsoring this event and entries for facebook and twitter are not mandatory but voluntary. None of the blogs posting and participating in the promotion of this ProGroomer Giveaway are responsible for picking the winners, contacting winners or mailing the prize. jenny at dapperhouse will secure the winner and the sponsor will send the prize to the winner.


  1. My man, he will love it!!

  2. my fiance! he needs a better razor his is sad and dieing

  3. my hubby
    debbie jackson,
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  4. I would give this to my boyfriend. He needs a new one badly lol

  5. I will give it to my new friend. :)
    Thanks for the chance.

  6. I'll give it to myself! Does it count? In my defense, I am hairier than my husband?!

    Sofia Byrd
    From PDX with Love

  7. I will give it to my honeybunny (lol, husband)


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