Monday, August 27, 2012

Copy-Kids Giveaway

I have seen this DVD around and was thrilled when I had the opportunity to join in to share this giveaway with my readers.
Have you been curious about this DVD?
Check out the review below Jenn, Mom of Two Munchkins!
Then see how you can win one of your own.

Munchkin 2 and I had the opportunity to review Copy-Kids DVDCopy-Kids is a new video aimed at children ages 6 months to 5 years that encourages the eating, and enjoyment of fruits and vegetables.  The video features children not only eating 12 different fruits and veggies but loving them and showing their excitement which infects the child watching the video. What a great concept!!

Watch the trailer for Copy-Kids below

Copy-Kids has won three Children's excellence awards!  I would say that is an achievement in itself!  They are also approved by the USDA and are part of the USDA's Education and Training Materials Database for pre-school nutrition. You can the listing here.

Copy-Kids is divided into twelve chapters of 6-8 minutes each focusing on a different fruit or vegetable.

bell pepper          bananas               oranges
carrots                 strawberries        avocado
raspberries           tomatoes             apples
broccoli               cucumber            blueberries
Copy-Kids can be purchased for $19.95 with free shipping on the Copy-Kids Website.
Munchkin 2's Review:
She loved it!!  She loved to watch the different children eating vegetables that she already loves.  She would ask for me or Munchkin 1 to put it on for her.  She would even say, "mmmmmm".

Jenn's review:

I have mixed feelings on this product.  It is a great concept and Munchkin 2 enjoyed it which is important but I think it could have been done differently to improve its ease of access.

Lets start with the good:

I think Copy-Kids would work really well for a parent that has children who do not like to eat their vegetables.  Munchkin 2 thoroughly enjoyed the DVD and it helps her to recognize the names of the vegetables better.  They have a variety of fruits and vegetables in the chapters.

The not as good:

The chapters are all separate on the disc so after every chapter I would have to manually click the next chapter.  There was not a way to set it to play all the chapters at once.  That was very frustrating.  I thought although they had a variety of fruits and vegetables that they could have had more problem vegetables.  For example. green beans were not one of the vegetables and that is the one I have the most problems with Munchkin 2, she like to peel them apart and only eat the seeds inside. 

The verdict:

Copy-Kids would be very effective in getting children to eat vegetables.  It has a few flaws but who doesn't.  This concept is new and I predict will only grow and get better with time.  I can't wait to see the next DVD they come out with!

You can find more information on Copy-Kids DVD here.

You can find more reviews on Copy_Kids here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Disclaimer: Copy-Kids provided me with a free sample of this
product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so
chose.  Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or
sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product. 

***Jenn, Mom Of Two Munchkins or any partner blog are not responsible for shipping of prize.  Copy-Kids has the sole responsibility for shipping of prize.  Prize value is approximately $19.95.

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