Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: August 7, 2013 (w/linky)- Fun at the Circus!

The children had a chance to go to the circus for the first time yesterday. It has been years since mommy or daddy have gone, so it was quite a treat for everyone. 

Showing our flat travelers the pony.

(No, we did not take camel rides. They were $8 a person! I said we would watch other people spend their money.)

(And to ride a pony around in a circle was $5. Again, nope.)

Some juggling

And some dog tricks

Some high flying fun

And a silly clown

Loved what she could do with hula hoops.

And some balancing

Some animals too.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.



  1. How fun! My husband is excited to take our girls to the circus someday!

  2. Fun photos I can't remember the last time I went to the circus heheh!

    Have a bigtoptastic week

  3. I love all the bright colors in the circus.

  4. Very nice shots, seems like you had a great time!!!
    Hope you link them to our party at www.craftyspices.com

  5. So fun! I haven't been to the circus since I was a child. I am so excited to take Lilly one day.

  6. ok... well I wrote something and have no idea what happen... Anyway I was just saying that it seems like it was an awesome experience, I myself love all the amazing things they do.

    Hope you join us in our linky party today: www.craftyspices.com

  7. The circus is always a blast...it looks like you guys enjoyed it!

  8. Wow! That circus was a lot of fun kewkew! You got such wonderful pictures. Thanks for hosting.

  9. it's been years since I went too! love your shots!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  10. I agree that was too much money for a family to pay. even one child! It has been a long time since I was at a live circus too. Looks like a fun time was still had! Faythe @ GrammyMouseTails

  11. How fun! I haven't been to the circus in ages.


  12. Circus performers amaze me! I always watch and wonder how they started and what they had to build up to what they can do now. How do they tamp down their fear? And how do I impress upon my kids why they should not stack 10 chairs on top of each other and do handstands on them!

  13. Great shots! We're yet to take our daughter to the circus! I think she's almost old enough now :) Newly following on Blog Lovin!

  14. Looks like you guys had a great time! I hope we go to the fair this year. It's so expensive here so we haven't been in 2 years.

  15. It looks like your family had a great time. I love the dog tricks.

  16. Everyone is having fun but us. Just kidding...we are having a great summer too! Happy WW

  17. I haven't seen a circus since I was a kid. I'd love to take my kids once they're a little older.

  18. Looks like a fun time! I'm looking forward to taking my girls to the circus someday!

  19. Looks like you had a great time.

    When did pony rides become so expensive! :)

  20. I haven't been to the circus in AGES! This looked like a nice one! :)


  21. I bet your kids had a fun time three!

  22. Looks like a lovely day at the circus!!


  23. Looks like a great day at the circus!

  24. Fun. I love the circus :) Thanks for linking up :)

  25. What a cool, old fashioned, fun day! I hear ya on the price of rides. I have four kids and there is no way the hubs and I would shell out close to $40 for a few minutes on a camel.

  26. wow,nice photos..seems that you had fun at the circus.

    blog hop for wordless wednesday.

    Wordless Wednesday

  27. we love taking our boys to the Circus! Mind you we haven't been in years :)
    Was it the "Moscow Circus"? They are coming to Wollongong and we are trying to see if we can go to it!


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