Sunday, August 4, 2013

5 Days of Teaching Toddlers Introduction

When I started this blog almost 4 years ago I was teaching only toddlers, thus the name Tots and Me. I had worked at a Montessori Children's House for 5 years and at another day care for over a year prior to having Tabitha. I worked primarily in the toddler room at the Montessori and as the teacher in the 2 yr old group at the other day care.  I wanted to use the knowledge I had gained to teach the girls. Tabitha was 2 and Amelia was 1 at the time. They are both now school-age, but I still have a preschooler and a toddler in the house, so what better subject to talk about.
I would like to take this week and share some of my favorite activities for teaching toddlers plus some ideas on how to include toddlers while teaching older children. Here is what is planned:

This series is a part of the Schoolhouse Review Crew "Crew Blog Hop." There are 90 bloggers who will be sharing different homeschool related topics Aug 5th through Aug 9th. 

Here is a sample of the topics that will be included:

  • Beginning the Homeschool Journey
  • Choosing Homeschool Curricula
  • A Christ-Focused Homeschool
  • A Couple of  Different Charlotte Mason focused topics
  • A Couple of  Different Montessori focused topics
  • Organizational Freebies
  • Science Fun
  • Technology for Homeschooling
  • Tips from a Veteran
  • and so much more, from toddlers to highschoolers and everything in between. It is going to be an information-filled week. You will be able to find all these wonderful topics by clicking on the banner at the bottom of my posts each day. 

Summer Blog Hop

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