Friday, August 2, 2013

First Day- August 2013

Starting the day with a load of laundry.

Then hopping on the computer to work on my review.

Breakfast time

Hannah was busy building while she waited for her siblings to awake.


On our way to the doctor's for checkups.

Amelia is all ready for Kindergarten. I loved that when asked to draw a "cross" she didn't just draw a "t" she tried drawing an actual cross. I told the doctor she may need to tell children to draw a "t" instead of a cross.

Sitting in the parking lot eating our lunch while we killed time waiting to go to our Summer Reading Program Party.

Artists at work

Picking some yummy grape tomatoes from our garden with our flat travelers.

Our new Educational Insights review products

Playing outside while mommy makes dinner.

They took turns helping to make their own dessert, while daddy took them one at a time for a quick walk.

Tabitha and Amelia waving bye to daddy and Harold. 

And then I forgot to take pictures, but it was getting ready for bed and me attending a Facebook party. 

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful family! Loved seeing your day!

    I love that your husband takes them one at a time. That's so special. I bet the kids all really love it!


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