Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sunday Photo Round-Up: August 4, 2013

It's time for me to share my photo challenge photos from this week.
First, let's get going with this week's Scavenger Hunt Sunday:

Body Part, Wednesday, Music, Guess What It Is, Mirror Image

Body Part
Harold showing off his sharp toothipegs. There are 8 showing, plus he has 3 back ones with 1 more coming in. Not sure nursing is going to last much longer. Ouch.

I actually didn't take very many pictures on Wednesday (forgot about the prompt). But I did love this picture. I told the girls to sit and read for 30 minutes after lunch and Harold jumped up there and started to look through a book too.

Harold loves carrying around the Magic Moves wand and listening to the music.

Guess What it is...
This is something I will explain more fully at the end of the post. First, let's see if you can guess what it is.

Mirror Image

The girls had fun creating these "Mirror Image" shots. We bought them these dresses for Easter (Hannah has one too) and they wear them to church every Sunday. I was thinking how identical they look with the dresses and their hair in braids that they were almost mirror images.

Now onto
August Photo a Day

Day 1: Something beginning with N:
No eggs in the Nest
This nest is in a wreath hanging on our front porch. There were robins in the nest two or three years in a row, but none came this year.

 Day 2: Incomplete
My poor lilies look quite incomplete with only 1 blossom left on them.

 Day 3: Skyline
This is about what we have around here, hills.

Day 4: Fresh
Fresh yummy tomatoes from our garden.

In case you were wondering, the picture above for "Guess what it is" was some Amish Peanut Butter I made for lunch. I used to make it a lot for the older children, but haven't made it for a while. I thought about it while at church and thought I would snap a picture of its yummy goodness. I took a bite after spreading some on the sandwich before remembering I needed to take a picture of it for my explanation.

1 comment:

  1. I never would have guessed peanut butter! It looks very creamy!
    What fun shots! Your children seem to be having such fun!


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