Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: May 8, 2013 (w/linky)- Time to Plant a Garden

The weather has finally warmed up and we decided to plant our garden this past weekend. We had the grandparents down  to visit, had a cookout, and just enjoyed the afternoon together.

I'd never seen beet seeds before. They are sort of weird looking.

I am also linking this post up to:

JDaniel4's Mom

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.



  1. Looked like all had a great day oh and the food looks delicious ..slurrrp!

    Have a bbqtastic week ;-)

  2. My daughter has loved helping in the garden for the first time this year. x

  3. Perfect weather for barbecue, indeed! :)

  4. I love the photo in the car! Awesome!

  5. What a great family project, I love the folks sitting on the kids picnik table!!

  6. The garden looks great, and it looks like your having wonderful weather! No wonder you are celebrating with a BBQ.

  7. Yum! That bbq looks delish! I am ready to fire up our grill now!

  8. Cookout and gardening weather is the best :))
    Happy WW!

  9. Looks like a fun and productive afternoon.

    Rhonda @Laugh-Quotes.com

  10. That's what it's all about - working together in the garden and enjoying a BBQ with family. Best of luck with it!

  11. I might have enjoyed gardening more when I was younger if it included a cookout like yours! What fun.

    ♥ aquariann
    Featured Photo: Triumph Tulips

  12. I am glad you got great weather and you were able to do some gardening and have fun. Lovely pictures as always. Thanks for hosting kewkew.

  13. I'm so glad you had weather to enjoy some family time! :)

  14. that's a nice piece of gardening you did! love that shot of the grandparents squeezing together on the kids' picnic table ;p

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  15. Hot dogs! YUM! When I was a kid I went through a phase where the only thing I ate was hot dogs and jello. Not much has changed.


  16. So fun to have a cookout and also planting session in the gardne. Happy WW

    Dominique@Dominique's Desk

  17. I have to get to work on my garden. Looks like great weather for gardening and good food.

  18. I love BBQs!

    I would love for you to share this and link up to my TGIF Link Party! The party is open every Friday and closes at midnight on Wednesday night. Who knows, you just might be featured next week!

    I follow back: bloglovin, Facebook, and Twitter. =)


    Hugs, Cathy

  19. Mmmm! I absolutely LOVE bbq!


  20. Good luck with the vege garden!!! Remember though, the N:P:K ration of fertilisers contribute to different parts...

    Nitrogen (N) is the main nutrient for new, green growth. Plants that are almost all leaf (such as lawn grasses) need plenty of nitrogen, so the first number is especially high in fertilizers for lawns because grass must continuously renew itself after mowing. The higher the number, the more nitrogen the fertilizer provides. However, for Leafy Greens production, if you don't want lettuce's to go to head, keep it low...

    Phosphorus (P) promotes root development which helps strengthen plants. It also increases blooms on flowers. Lots of phosphorous is great for bulbs, perennials, and newly planted trees and shrubs. They depend on strong roots, so fertilizers meant for these plants often have high middle numbers. It is good for 'Root' Veges, Potatoes, beets etc...

    Potassium (K) improves the overall health of plants. It helps them withstand very hot or cold weather and defend against diseases. Most soils already have some potassium, so the third number in the fertilizer analysis is usually smaller than the other two.

    Mines up as well at AussiePomm - Sunset in Sydney

    Have a great day!!

  21. looks like some beautiful weather you had! Happy WW!


  22. Such a priceless pictures! :0 nice family bonding!

    Happy Wordless Wednesday! My entry is here.

  23. Love the couple on that tiny picnic table so sweet! Thanks for hosting. Stop by mine too.


  24. I always enjoy your posts, simply because your kids are too cute to resist :)

  25. Fun pictures! You have such a beautiful family, and I love seeing pictures of y'all's family time. Memories in the making.

  26. First time on the Wordless Wednesday hop and glad I did. Your family looks so happy and content in all your pictures. I do envy you that. :)

  27. I love your photo essay. Looks like you will have quite a garden. Thank you for linking this post up to Dig Into Gardening.

  28. So glad you joined me for Wordless Wednesday Bloggers at our permanent home on The Jenny Evolution. Silence may be golden, but I hope you're making some noise this weekend.



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