Thursday, May 30, 2013

More Fun With Bugs in the Garden: Little Learning Lovies May Lovie Pack

Little Learning Lovies :: Where Love and Learning Live Together!

(This blog contains my affiliate links.)

When I posted my review for Little Learning Lovies "Bugs in the Garden" Double Lovie Packs a week and a half ago, I promised I would share some of the other fun things we were able to do once we got our new printer. I am so excited to share the fun that we had with the Spring Buggies Place Value Race Game from Little Learning Lovies.

First, let me show you how easy it was to assemble!
I printed out the Buggie Game Pieces, Spinner and the 4 parts of the Game Board.

It was quite easy to figure out where to cut so the board would match up when glued together.

The spinner base just needed to be cut out, along with the arrow. I laminated the base and used a hole punch to create a hole in the arrow and the base. I had to gently fold the base in half without creasing it to make the hole with the punch. 

I cut the Buggies out and folded them on the lines to assemble them.

This is how they should be folded in order to be glued properly. 

Just bring the bottom of each side down to the base.

Buggies all ready to play.

And two excited girls ready to play.

In this fun game the amount of spaces you move around the board is determined by the numbers on the space you are sitting on. Each space has a number that has a value to the tens place. When you spin the spinner you will either land on Tens or Ones. The number at the start is "12," so if you land on Tens you would move 1 space and if you land on Ones you would move 2 spaces. 

I had the girls spin the spinner and then look at the number their Buggie was resting on. They had to tell me the number and tell me which numeral was in the Tens or Ones place. For example, if the spinner landed on Tens and the Buggie Game Piece was on "26" we would say, "This is the number 26, 2 is in the tens place." Then we would count 2 spaces.

I think it is a fun way for children to learn about place value. 

We have also started our Butterfly unit, so the girls have started their copywork/handwriting practice of the poem, The Caterpillar. (We had a great surprise today and received our caterpillars in the mail. Such perfect timing!)

We will continue The Caterpillar poem and also put together the Step Book titled, Making of a Butterfly during the remainder of this week and next week. 

If you would like your child to have a chance to use these fun Lovie Packs you will have to hurry. Both the Little Lovie Pack and the Tiny Lovie Pack are only available until midnight tomorrow (May 31st). The Little Lovie Pack is geared for children in 1st through 3rd grade and the Tiny Lovie Pack is geared for children in Pre-K through 1st grade. We were able to utilize many of the printable activities in both grade levels. 

(Don't miss your chance to have this pack for your children!)

In addition, June Lovie Packs are releasing on June 1st. Right now, they can be purchased at a small discount of $12 each or $20 for both.  After the 1st, they will be full price of $14 each or $25 for both. 

The theme for June is Camping!

They sure look like they are going to be fun too!

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