Sunday, May 5, 2013

G is for Gifts

Ever since our little guy has started walking, he has been bringing me gifts. 

He started out by bringing me almost every sock from our clean sock pile.

Recently he has been bringing me lots of little things he finds lying around. And he is just so happy about it. In the pictures above, he was bringing me shoes. You should have seen his face light up when I accepted them and thanked him for them. 

The reason this suddenly means so much to me now, is because it helped me to better understand that God wants to accept the gifts he gives to us. We just started reading the book One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp in our Bible Study group and I am starting to focus on the grace that God extends to us and the gifts that God has given to us. We are learning about being thankful and finding joy. 

When I see how much my son appreciates that I am accepting his gifts and being thankful and appreciative, I can more easily understand that God wants us to be thankful for what he has given us. 

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