Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday Photo Round-Up: May 19, 2013

It's time for me to share my photo challenge photos from this week.
First, let's get going with this week's Scavenger Hunt Sunday:

Three, Hands, Fence, Cuddly, Sign

 Three little girls standing on the stump of what used to be our favorite tree in the park to play around.

Two little hands playing with a rock in the dirt.


As I drove around town, I realized there are not that many fences in our area. I was trying to decide on which one I wanted to use, when my daughter spotted this fence "box" at the thrift shop. It was conveniently right next to a house decoration, so I played around for a bit to get a cute shot. Not sure if I prefer the first or the second, so I shared both.

While we were at the park this little guy was wandering around having the time of his life. He toddled over to me and needed a second of cuddle time. This is the shot I got when he drew near. I love cuddling with this little guy.

So glad this sign is on the inside of the park now. It is attached to the gate and we get really upset when they decide to close the gate in the middle of fall telling us that it will be quite a few months before we can enjoy the park again. It says, "Park Closed For The Season" in case you can't read it. 

I sort of missed last week's scavenger hunt, so here you go.
Perspective, Golden, Bloom, Dark, Local

I hadn't figured out how to get a shot for this prompt until the other day when we were at the park. I had some ideas, but nothing I really liked. This little building is right next to where we were playing and I thought it would be a perfect way to show perspective. 

The first thing I thought of was the "Golden Arches" and we happened to be out and about the one day and I quick had hubby pull over so I could get this shot. 


This little guy was sticking out by the building I shared above. Not sure exactly what it is.

It was getting dark outside as we were getting ready for bed.

So I took a couple of pictures of the girls in the dark.

The girls are thrilled that our local park is right outside our back door. 

Now onto
May Photo a Day

Day 5: Paper

This is one of our math activities that we used for our Oo:Ocean unit. The dice was made out of paper too.

Day 6: Broken
The winter really took its toll on the road.

Day 7: Something beginning with F
A fish and a flag in the front window of the thrift shop (where people who are frugal will shop).

Day 8: Shape
Some of the shapes on the wall at the grocery store where we were sitting eating our soft serve ice cream cones.

Day 9: Snack
A little snack for Harold while I was cooking dinner. 

Day 10: Stars
I received this angel quite a few years ago and remembered it had stars on it. It lights up, though the batteries are dying now. 

Day 11: Smile
Couldn't just use one of the children for "smile." I had to get a shot of all of their cute smiles.

Day 12: Mother
Being a mother to these children, even on the stressful days, brings me such joy.

Day 13: Sunrise/Sunset
These are both sunset pictures, taken on the same evening on my way home from my Mother's Day dinner my son took me out to. This shot was taken as I was leaving town.

And this was taken at the top of the hill a few miles down the road. 

Day 14: Need
I need to finish my review of this really cool book. Hopefully today. 

Day 15: 7 o'clock
The girls were cleaning the play room while I was cleaning the dining room and Harold was climbing the stairs.

Day 16: Mailbox
Sometimes the girls will go and check the mail for us. They hold hands and watch for traffic and know to stay out of the main road. I just love taking pictures of them holding hands. 

Day 17: Season

Why, it's dandelion season of course. They are running rampant in our yard. I also had to share the picture I took of Harold sitting next to a clump of dandelions at the park. 

Day 18: Want
I want to lose weight, so I ordered a Veggie Delight sub from Subway. However, I really wanted a couple of cookies too and I gave into temptation.

And I'm continuing on with 
ABC Friday

ABC Friday gives you a chance to share a random photo with a challenge!
Each week is a new letter theme, starting with A of course, we will work our way through the alphabet.
All you have to do is post a picture with the letter theme for that week…. A is for Auto, B is for Beach, C is for Cake….I think you get it.
This is not Wordless Wednesday, feel free to share in words what the photo is all about! or not, it’s up to you!
R is for Reading 

S is for Stair Climbing Boy

He comes down really well.


  1. Wow lots of photos today. You have such a darling little family.
    From this weeks SHS my favorites were: Three and Hands. - Also thought that was a great Fence find.
    From last weeks SHS - I really liked your Perspective shot and how fun everyone seemed to be having in the Dark shots while getting ready for bed.

  2. Your kids are adorable...all of them. Love the little girls hair braided. And the fact that they wear dresses. My older granddaughter loves dresses....wears them almost everyday!

    When my daughter (38) was growing up, we took her to McDonalds almost all the time because she wouldn't eat anything except green beans and McDonald's French fries. This continued all the way into her teens....eating McDonalds instead of some other food, like turkey on Thanksgiving...and when she was a senior in high school, she had to write a poem in English class. What do you think she wrote about? Those golden arches. "Hark! What is that I see? Two Golden Arches staring at me!" was how it started. I died laughing when I read it. She made an A. I guess there was a lot of love in that poem. :)

  3. Oh those first attempts at solo stair climbing always make my heart beat fast with nervousness. Looks like your little guy has it mastered though!


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