Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: May 22, 2013 (w/linky)- Fun at the Park

Well, the warmer weather seems to be here to stay. For a little fun with our insect unit we went over to the park to look for insects. Oh, who am I kidding. We enjoyed an hour or so at the park and spent very little time looking for insects, though we did find a few ant hills, some spiders and some yellow jackets (eek).

I was actually having fun with my new camera. Even though it is still a point and shoot, it seems to take better pictures. Now if I can figure out all the settings (silly thing didn't come with a user manual I have to go online to check it out, grrrr.)

Okay, that was a bit of a longer introduction than I have been giving lately. 

I really like the zoom on this camera. I took the following two pictures of the girls on the two different swing sets from where I was standing at the baby swing set.

This is the view without the zoom:

(Yes, she is daring, yes, I told her to get down. But had to snap the picture first.)

This poor stump used to be one of our favorite trees to play around. Not sure why it had to be cut down, but I had to get some pictures with it.

What is he looking at, you wonder. Why, his crazy sisters of course...

Oh, right, here are those ant hills. There were a bunch of ants too, just can't see them in the picture.

He was getting a bit fed up with it all (of course, climbing into and then falling out of the stroller may have had something to do with it).

So, time to get going. But the girls wanted to race first.

Poor Hannah couldn't keep up. Can you see her way back there?

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.



  1. Your little boy is so adorable! Thanks for hosting! :)

  2. Wonderful photos of the little ones.

  3. We are so glad about the nice weather over here in Germany, too. Your kids are so cute!

  4. Beautiful family outing! Wow, that tree must have been huge. Such a shame it's only a stump now. :(

  5. These kids know how to be kids. That is great!!!!

  6. I think you have several little dare-devils! Cute! Come link up with me at NanaHood.com

  7. The baby is getting so it, he looks just like his sisters!

  8. They look like they all had a blast!

  9. Great photos. Your little guy is so cute - growing up fast. He must love having big sisters to play with!

  10. Beautiful pictures kewkew. It is great that you are continuing to have good weather and your children are going out and having fun.Baby Harry is growing so nicely. Thanks for hosting.

  11. Thanks for the invite! I linked up my There are NO Words.

    Come party with APIMP!

    I would love for you to share and link up at my TGIF Link Party. The party is open every Thursday night and closes Wednesday's at midnight.


    Hugs, Cathy

  12. This looks like a park I went to in Ohio.


  13. It looks like y'all had fun! We love playing outside.

  14. Oh yay your park is back to being open again! They look like they are having fun!

  15. What fun they had! Just wait until the baby grows up, then he will really want to have some fun getting even with his big sisters. They better beware!

  16. I love the pictures of the kids on the tree stump! What fun shots!

  17. What a fun day and such gorgeous kids! I love the pictures of them on the hill! Every time I see your youngest he has grown so incredibly fast. I missed a few weeks of Wordless Wednesday, and I can not believe how big he is already!!

  18. nice pictures you've got there.:) your family really enjoyed a lot..:)

    Happy Wordless Wednesday! My entry is here.

  19. How fun! Love how adventurous your kids are.

  20. Looks like everyone is having lots of fun! x

  21. Great photos. My kids love the park as well.

  22. Your kids are so stinkin' CUTE! Love all the shots - you captured the fun in the park perfectly! :)

    Aliens Turned Feathered Friends

  23. Looks like everyone had a great day in the great outdoors! The baby is really getting around now! I can't imagine how you get the dirt out of those dresses! Lol!

  24. Looks like the perfect day for getting outside & exploring!

  25. Looks like so much fun! I'm so happy the warmer weather is here!

    Thank you for visiting, and Happy WW! :)

  26. Hope you can come visit and share your link,join in the WW fun!

    Oh My Heartsie Reviews WW" w/Linky

  27. Visiting you from the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! I'm enjoying this lovely peek of your world on the blogosphere!

    Happy Wednesday!

    XOXO, Mandi @ All My Happy Endings

  28. Looked like such a pretty day and lots of fun!

    Thanks for visiting my WW @ The Breezy Mama! Have a great Wednesday!

    Amy @ http://thebreezymama.com

  29. LOVE park time w/ our kiddos. Never a dull moment especially since they are all daring and continually try to push new boundaries.

    Happy Wednesday!
    Chelle @ Oh, just stop already

  30. Beautiful kids! My grandboy likes climbing up the swing set like that too.

  31. fun photos! looks like a great day for playing in the yard ;) thanks for hosting!

  32. It looks like your kids were enjoying a beautiful day outside!

  33. Once again, you have the most darling children! And looks like it was a pretty darn good weather day, so lucky you!

  34. I think the pictures turned out great! My new camera didn't come with a manual either! Must be something new they are doing to save on paper costs?

  35. Looks like you guys had a blast and that is a great zoom on your camera! What a fun day!

  36. look like the kids had such a wonderful time!


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