Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: April 1st, 2014 (w/linky)- Mystery Meal Dinner

This past weekend was the Venture Club's Mystery Meal Dinner. Have you ever been to a mystery meal before? It is tons of fun!!

You may be wondering what we needed pens/pencils for.

Before we had the need to use them we did some Sword Drills. Tabitha and Amelia ended up sitting at the table with their friend. Tabitha was the only Venture Clubber at that table for the last drill where a Clubber had to be the one doing it. Before that it could be any kid or adult. Let's just say, I have never done sword drills before and I was not very fast. Tabitha had help from her friend's mom.

Then it was time to check out the menu and choose what we wanted for our 4 courses. We got to pick 5 items per course. Which is sort of fun, but the items also included the utensils and the napkin, so if you didn't choose those first, you were going to end up eating with your fingers. 

Can you guess what everything is?

Here was my first course, Harold and Hannah had the same.

Here is Tabitha's first course.

And Amelia's.

Second Course

Couldn't resist sharing this picture with his tongue sticking out.

I forgot to take a picture of the 3rd course when it came out. I was a bit busy trying to cut food up and such. But this is what it looked like after I had finished getting Harold his food.

Would you believe I never got a picture of the 4th course?

Oh well, here is what we ordered. Maybe it will help you figure out what everything was.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.



  1. Yum can I have some please heheh! cute pics ;-)

    Have a dinnertastic week

  2. This must have been great fun! Sweet shots - thanks for sharing! :)

  3. I have never heard of this kind of dinner, love the menu option ideas. Have a great week.

  4. I've never heard of a mystery meal, but it looks like great fun!

  5. What fun!! I am intrigued...and also, I am having trouble figuring out some of the menu items!
    Can you help with these? What was: Squeezin's, Shirt Sleeve, High Riser, Swiss Special, Shrubs, and On The Ritz?
    Please help! haha. :)

  6. What a cute idea! Looks like it was lots of fun, too.

  7. I love the pictures! So cute!

  8. I've never been to one. It looks like a fun time.

  9. That looks like a lot of fun. I have never heard of anything like that before. I would love to attend.

  10. the menu is sooo intriguing :D...bet the kids are having fuun..

  11. I used to rock at sword drills. You're bringing back memories. :)

    My mom used to put on mystery dinners for her friends. I should revive the tradition!

  12. i know some kids do not easily love meal time. i bet the menu got them all curios!

  13. Looks like a fun activity and event =)

  14. Ah! Takes me back to when mine were young! Now they have flown the nest I can fly to the Vatican! Thanks for visiting me.

  15. Sounds like a really fun meal. I bet the kids really enjoyed opening the food.

  16. This is a very cool idea, and it looks as it was a total hit...
    Happy ww...


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