Sunday, April 20, 2014

Hopping Along to Easter 2014: Week 4

Tots and Me
Welcome to the fourth and final week of the Hopping Along to Easter Blog Hop hosted by Tots and MeWalking in Faith and Angels of Heart

Can you believe that Resurrection Sunday is here? Whether you would like to share your preparations, your recipes, your crafts or a post related to this week's topic, we ask that you include the Hopping Along to Easter Blog Hop Button or a text link back to the hop, and head on over to any of our blogs to link up.  It can be as long or short as you want it to be.

Please take the time to visit the blogs of those who have linked up.  Leave a comment.  Follow them.  Wish them a Happy Easter.
Don't forget to follow the hostesses.  We will gladly stop by your blog and follow you back.

Here is this week's question:
How did you celebrate Easter/Resurrection Sunday?  

Do you have your children hunt for eggs, do you read the Resurrection Story, do you attend a Sunrise Service at church, a regular church service?  What will you be doing to make this year's Resurrection Sunday special?

We are looking forward to reading your posts, visiting your blogs and following you.

(Please be aware that irrelevant posts, links to your main blog instead of a specific post and giveaways will be deleted. Please only link up posts relevant to the weekly theme. Thank you for your understanding.)

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