Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Resurrection Sunday

Happy Resurrection Sunday!

We didn't get as much done as I would have liked to in the week leading up to Resurrection Sunday. The children made palm branches in children's church, so I didn't think they would appreciate making them again at home as we have done for the last few years or so. We did make some pictures of Jesus riding into Jerusalem though. 

I got the idea for these pictures over at Training Happy Hearts. She had linked up to the Hopping Along to Easter Blog Hop a couple of weeks ago with her Planning a Hands-On Holy Week post.

We spent the rest of our week visiting with my oldest daughter who was visiting and trying to finish our Y unit, plus work on our Transportation activity that went along with our Poppins Book Nook theme of "Planes, Trains and Automobiles." Stay tuned for that post next week. We did finish our Y unit which means we are now done with the Kindergarten curriculum from My Father's World. We will be starting 1st grade tomorrow. Tabitha and Amelia will both be using it. More on that later this week. 

Yesterday we dyed our eggs for our egg hunt today. We don't teach the children about the Easter Bunny, as we focus on the true meaning of Resurrection Sunday, the resurrection of Jesus. However, we do allow the children to hunt for eggs, as we feel they are a symbol of new life, which Jesus gives to all those who believe. We also give the children baskets, but they know they are from us. 

Dyeing Eggs

Egg Hunt

1 comment:

  1. Looks like your kids had a wonderful time. I'm not against the Easter Bunny, but I think it's important for children to know the real meaning of Easter and I think it's great you're teaching your children why it's celebrated.


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