Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: January 23, 2013 (w/linky)- I Love My Girls

But I don't love when they insist on making messes.

That is my bathroom wall, after they decided it was fun to put on lipstick (which is for crafts because I don't wear any and won't allow them to) and KISS the wall...

Oh, and had to share a couple of cute pictures of baby Harold who got a couple of bowls and started playing in the kitchen the other day. I gave him the spoon.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.



  1. Lipstick kisses! Hopefully it cleaned up easily.

  2. Ha ha. Too funny! I am sure it wasn't fun cleaning it up though.

  3. They were being creative with that lipstick kewkew!:) Little Harold is certainly not going to have any difficulty when he reaches the age to start preparing something in the kitchen. Cute shots. Thanks for hosting.

  4. Aww! heheh! soooo cute

    Have a fantabulosa week

  5. Ha ha ha on the lipstick! Too cute! Sweet baby boy too! Teresa from NanaHood.com

  6. at least they dirtied the bathroom and not living room walls! ;p

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

    1. I agree with Ai Sakura above! Oh Boy! My daughter did that when she was younger and let me tell you it was so difficult to remove lipstick from the walls!!!

  7. LOL, your girls and lipstick and my post is one of my boys with chapstick on, lol.<3 them kids

  8. I don't think I'd use lipstick for crafts anymore. I thought some of their marks looked like foot prints. Hope not and hope they helped you clean up. Purrs and hugs from The Cat on My Head Kitties

  9. Ha ha, I can totally see my kids doing that...good thing your girls are cute!

  10. If they hadn't made a mess, what would you have blogged about this week?


  11. At least I'm hoping with all boys lipstick is the one mess I won't be cleaning up!

  12. At least most of the kisses were on the tile. Trying to get it off normal walls is a pain. My son decided to use mine to draw and then color it all in with my lipstick one night when he was 4. He couldn't sleep so decided he would keep himself occupied instead of waking mom up.

    Thanks for the comment on my blog and Happy WW.

    They did their own spin on the Facebook photo asking for 1 million likes so their parents will buy them a puppy. My kids made a poster asking for 1 million likes for awareness for organ donation and congenital heart defects.


  13. Awwww, even though I am sure it was a pia to clean, it's still cute to me :)

  14. They were having all sorts of fun with that lipstick. I find myself saying Why all of the time to my boys...Why oh Why did that seem like that would be fun? LOL

  15. So thankful that I don't wear lipstick (or have it in the house for crafts..) since I can just imagine the mess my daughter would make!

  16. Haha! Yep, they had a blast, didn't they!

  17. Beautiful art that, luckily, can easily be washed off a bathroom wall. LOL!

    Baby Harold is dressed up so nicely, he looks adorable!

  18. At least they didn't kiss fabric! I hope it came off your bathroom walls easily!

  19. At least it was cute "artwork" on the wall! I remember my oldest daughter, when she was about 2, leaving me artwork that wasn't so pretty.

  20. Looks like they had great fun! Thanks for linking up, I've done the same. Wondered if you fancied swapping linky buttons on our link/blog hop pages? If you's like to just let me know. Happy WW. x

  21. That's brilliant with the lipstick, I laughed pretty hard!

  22. Haha. Gotta love kids and their, um, creativity?! At least it looks like it was a shower wall and not the curtains ;)

  23. Your kids are so adorable! Happy WW!

  24. Yikes! I hope they had just as fun cutely cleaning it up as they did making it. ;D

    ♥ aquariann
    Featured Photo: Woman Statue


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