Monday, January 7, 2013

Muffin Tin Monday: Snowman in the Snow

Muffin Tin Monday at

I decided to continue with my snowman unit that started from last week's Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen (we made Rice Krispy Treat Snowmen) and Snowman pancakes.

Today's Muffin Tin is based on last year's Snowman muffin tin, with a couple of changes (that I felt made it even better).

The snowman's head is a Nutella sandwich with raisin eyes, half a baby carrot for a nose and mini M&Ms for a mouth.
The snowman's body is a turkey and cheese sandwich with mini pepperoni buttons and pretzel arms. 
At the top of the muffin tin you will see cottage cheese clouds with Gerber puff snowflakes.
In the middle you will find extra pretzel arms and extra carrot noses.
And in the bottom you will find pear slice snow banks and Ranch dressing snow.

Oh, and they got water to drink because when snow melts it turns into water.

Tabitha was NOT happy with the addition of cottage cheese.

I thought she was making the snowman's mouth a frown because she was sad because of the cottage cheese.

Turns out the snowman is sad Tabitha was eating the nose. When she added a nose she made the mouth happy again.

Baby Harold had a muffin tin too of course.

He had:
Gerber puffs
Cheddar cheese and American cheese
Nutella sandwich pieces and pears.

Had to share this picture, because I just loved his expression.


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