Saturday, January 19, 2013

Sunday Photo Round-Up: January 19, 2013

It's time for me to share my photo challenge photos from this week.

First, let's get going with Scavenger Hunt Sunday:

Basket, Park, Auto, Recycle, People Watching


When we decided to go out to Pizza Hut for dinner, I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to get a picture of this prompt. I love Pizza Hut's breadsticks and cheese breadsticks.

It was fun trying to park at Walmart the other afternoon.

A picture of Harold's automobile that sometimes goes automatically (though it is supposed to move when the baby waves the rattle or the ball on tip), edited with the auto adjust.

A whole bunch of jars just waiting to be recycled, after Harold eats the contents of course.

 People Watching
Amelia watching some people serve themselves from the buffet.

Now onto
January Photo a Day

Day 13: Circle
Lots of circles sitting around waiting to be washed or put away from breakfast and lunch.

 Day 14: Something Yellow

Actually, a couple of somethings that are yellow.

Day 15: An Ordinary Moment
This has become a very ordinary sight, the girls love to color and Harold loves to get into stuff.

Day 16: Two Things
My two gloves waiting for me to put them on so the dishes can get done.

Day 17: Ready
All ready to get his breathing treatment.

 Day 18: Shadow
I really love the shadow this makes on my kitchen wall. 

 Day 19: Delicious
Some leftover Chinese Fried Rice, yummy.

And I'm continuing on with 
ABC Friday

ABC Friday gives you a chance to share a random photo with a challenge!
Each week is a new letter theme, starting with A of course, we will work our way through the alphabet.
All you have to do is post a picture with the letter theme for that week…. A is for Auto, B is for Beach, C is for Cake….I think you get it.
This is not Wordless Wednesday, feel free to share in words what the photo is all about! or not, it’s up to you!
B is for Baby Building with Blocks (well sort of).


  1. Cute collection! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Love your take on People Watching.

  3. don't know where to start because they are all just wonderful. I know I am really hungry now after seeing the yummy fried rice!!

    I hope you all have a great week! :D

  4. Those Fisher Price blocks are such fun. My girls had a blast with them when they were younger.

  5. we have some of those same cubes, the boys loved them when they were little!


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