Monday, January 7, 2013

School Time: New Year's Eve Party and a Bit of Review

Happy New Year!

I wasn't sure if we were going to get much done this week; I really wasn't in any hurry to get back to school work, though I did want to do some review. I may have been more motivated if I hadn't still been feeling a bit blah from having a stomach bug. I think Tabitha caught a bit of it because she was laying around quite a bit.
I did, however, want to share what we did get done this week. We started out our week with some fun new New Year's Eve traditions. I really had a bit more planned, but as is the story of my recent life, we never got to the fun crafts. I did pin quite a few I would like to have tried, noise makers and poppers and things... maybe next year. I wasn't really very organized this year as we have never done anything special with the girls for New Years. I figured they were too young to understand much. So, when I decided to do some celebrating this year, it was a bit spur-of-the-moment.
I started out by making a countdown clock.  I just used the biggest circle I could find and traced the clock face. Then I attached it to some foil covered posterboard that had been cut down to size. The numbers and the hands are all just taped on so they can be removed at the right time to see what is underneath. 

Each hour after noon we were going to take off a number circle, see how many hours were left in 2012, and see what we were going to do that hour.

The girls each took turns. 

The afternoon was typical, we ate lunch, they took naps then we ate dinner at 5. As I mentioned, we never did get to do the crafts I planned. They were still resting at 4 and then it took way too long to clean up after dinner. But we did get to dance...

And play with confetti and balloons.

("Where did that piece of pink confetti on Harold's head come from?" you ask)

Why, from Tabitha throwing confetti of course.

We put paper punch confetti inside the balloons so we could pop them at midnight. 

What is a party without snacks?
(In a muffin tin of course)

We used the china place settings Tabitha found for me for Christmas at the thrift shop. Daddy says she was just going to buy me 1 plate and he let her get the boxful. 

Needed some nice cups for our sparkling grape juice.

Then we watched The Santa Clause 3. 
A little bit into the movie I surprised the girls with a Sundae Bar Muffin Tin.

Waiting to ring in the new year.

The girls were thrilled when big brother Steven brought them their Christmas gifts from him. Puzzles are great  for learning.

Then I printed out some Disney Princess coloring pages.

For review of our MFW lessons I dotted out their words to remember from letters: s, m, l and a and then they had to match when picture it went with.

For Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen we made Rice Krispy Treat Snow Men.

 Then I made snowmen pancakes for dinner.

I plan on continuing the snowman theme this week, then on the following week we will resume our MFW units. 

I am linking to:

Tot School

Classified: Mom

And a couple of new linkies:

The Weekly Kid's Co-op
Friday Fun School

Muffin Tin Monday at


  1. Looks like you had a really fun week! I absolutely love the large countdown clock with things to do for every hour..

  2. Very fun ideas!! Thanks for linking to Share IT Saturday!

  3. Looks like you had a really fun time. I will remember these ideas fr next year! Thanks for linking to The Sunday Showcase


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