Wednesday, January 2, 2013

First Day- January 2013

I am joining in with a new-to-me meme called First Day.
The idea is to take photos of your day on the first day of each month to capture your life. I love the idea of seeing the changes each month and being able to look back. So, without further ado..

First Day-January 2013

Poor abandoned little boy.

One sister downstairs on the heater vent reading.

The other in the kitchen trying to blow up an unused balloon from our festivities last night.

Had to stick the boy in his seat with some Cheerios so I could get everyone else breakfast.

Hannah decided to practice cutting while waiting.

Breakfast time.

But someone is still missing.

Had to get on to check my Crew message boards.

Time to do hair.

On our way to play group, an hour late.

On our way home.

Daily show time while mommy is making lunch. They were watching 

Tabitha's idea of a good dessert. She came out with chocolate chips and chocolate sprinkles in a bowl. I suggested adding Cool Whip. It was VERY sweet.

Diaper changing time.

Amelia read her first book today.

Dinner time

Daddy headed upstairs to find the missing (again) child.

Tired and cold Tabitha.

Daddy bye-bye kisses.

Waving at the window.

First time eating sloppy joe along with his carrots and bread.

Messy Harold

She put toppings in the muffin tin like I did for our Sundae Bar for our New Year's Eve party. 

Dirty dishes ready to be cleaned.

Have to keep the boy out of the kitchen.

Some WiiFit time for Amelia.

Tabitha made a road out of books.

He didn't learn the first time he got trapped in the basket.

Off to get ready for bed.

Reading time in bed.

After a scary few moments of getting trapped between the bar at her head and the wall while trying to make her bed she is finally safely in bed writing letters.

Hannah showing me her "folded" letter before she heads to my room for snuggle time.

Harold's blanket all ready for me to wrap him up after he falls asleep nursing.


  1. Whew! What a busy day! Congrats on your girl's first book. So sweet! Thanks for sharing!

  2. awesome pictures promosing a year of activity

  3. First book on first day! I fit in a little wii fit time, too. Happy New Year!

  4. I agree, that is a busy, but fun day:) Adorable kids!


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