Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Top 10 Favorite Websites To Use For Homeschooling

Top Ten Tuesday at Many Little Blessings

Top 10 favorite websites to use for homeschooling

I found this great little meme today, I guess with pretty good timing. Angie, from Many Little Blessings hosts this every week and this week she is making it apart of the 10 in 10 series through iHomeschool Network.  Over the last couple of years I have used quite a few different websites for our home preschooling. Some are sites I get craft ideas or printables from. Others are sites that the girls actually use. And there are even some favorite blogs that I find some great activities on. Here are my top 10 (in random order).

Let's start with the top sites the girls get on:
1- more.starfall.com- This is an expansion of starfall.com and it does have a small fee. However, I think it is completely worth the money. In using more.starfall.com the children have access to the great phonics and reading lessons available on the free site, but they also have access to a lot more. There is more phonics in the form of games and activities. In addition the children love all the math games (from recognizing numbers to addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and geometry), stories, colors, nursery rhymes and songs. 

2- sesamestreet.orgEvery week they have a different theme that you will find on their home page.  There are games and quite a few muppets have their own page with lots of different educational games.  Some topics your child will learn include:
I love that each muppet's page lists facts about the muppet, like birthday, description and favorites.

3- speekee.co.uk- I won a 3 month subscription to speekee, which is a Spanish immersion course featuring the puppet Speekee. The children liked it so much we decided to keep our subscription current. They learn from real Spanish children through songs and real life conversations.

Now to move on to the sites I use the most when preparing our homeschool lessons.

4- Handwriting for Kids- On this site I can create my own handwriting worksheets including alphabet, math (which includes a wide selection of subjects), vocabulary words. They even have practice sheets for Bible verses.

5- handwritingworksheets.com- This is a newer-to-me worksheet maker. With this site I can create single word, multi-word, sentence and paragraph worksheets just by printing the exact thing I want. The site then takes and creates the same content as dotted words for tracing. 

6- Progressive Phonics- This is a site that I have used with Tabitha and plan to start using soon with Amelia. We use the free workbooks that gradually have the girls reading more and more short vowel words as we progress through the story. The story is written so that the adult reads the black words and there are short vowel words included in red for the children to read. The first book only has short a words that increase in frequency as you progress. The next book is short e, etc. 

7- DTLK's Crafts for Kids- This has been a great site for ideas, especially when doing our Letter of the Week lessons. 

Finally, these last three sites are blogs where I have tried to be faithful in linking up our school time posts. Not only do the ladies at these sites have great ideas but linking up on their weekly linkys has made it possible for me to find some great blogs who are also sharing great ideas. (And now, thanks to Pinterest I can pin and remember all those great activities I want to keep for future use). 

I am linking up at Top Ten Tuesday as shown above and I am also going to go and check out all the great lists at:


  1. Thanks for sharing these, I'm not home schooling but love finding new home schooling websites with great ideas. I just clicked on the Sesame Street link and can hear Elmo :)

  2. I have used alot of these websites myself. Thanks for sharing:)

  3. Cool! I have a few learning tools websites on my blog as well, but these I didn't know about... great info! Thank! :)
    S.O.S. Mom

  4. I start homeschooling next year so I will definitely bookmark these sites. Thank you for the references!


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