Monday, May 14, 2012

Muffin Tin Monday: Springy Patterns

Muffin Tin Monday at

I'm a little late getting this posted today. We were without internet quite a bit of the day. 
Anyway, we are still working on patterns this week, so I bring you another Pattern Muffin Tin.

Red grape tomatoes
Green Cucumbers
Red Strawberries
Green Grapes 
Light Red (pink) Strawberry milk
Light Green yogurt (key lime)
Pattern Flower:
White petal peanut butter sandwiches
Brown petal apple butter sandwiches
Cheese center

Time to make patterns:


  1. I love the cute flower and the build your own skewers! so creative!

  2. I love the pattern theme! I will get some grape tomatoes now! :)


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