Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tiny Talk Tuesday: May 8, 2012

Last week we had some Oreos in the house and we also had some store brand sandwich cookies. Not sure what brought this on, but Tabitha stated, "Cookies taste the same 'cause they are always sweet. They give me lots of energy. They get me wound up." This last part was spoken as she ran around the kitchen.

One evening we had chocolate milk with dinner. Of course the baby can't have any, just "milkers." So, because I was drinking chocolate milk Tabitha said (regarding the breastmilk), "And it turns into chocolate milk, right?...I was only kid-ding" (She pauses between the 2 syllables of kidding)

Amelia was making a pretend nest out of baby yesterday. She said it was "for a pretend bird if we can find one."

Hannah is starting to talk more and more, making phrases here and there. She will fall down, look up at me and state matter of factly "Oh, I fall mama."

1 comment:

  1. funny about cookies getting her "wound up"! And about the chocolate milk;)


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