Saturday, May 5, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: May 6, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday items: Shadow, Keys, Smile, Unedited (SOOC) and Fish


Just a shot of me in our driveway.


This is where our keys dangle most of the time.


This shot was actually taken on Resurrection Sunday. I didn't have any good recent pictures of his smile.

Unedited (SOOC)

I wanted a shot of him in this shirt with his sisters, but he wasn't very cooperative today. Still, he is the "little brother."


This is the closest I could come to getting pictures of fish this week. If I had thought of it sooner I probably could have gotten a picture of people fishing down by the river. 

I am also linking up to
This week's prompt was grass/green

Yes, our lawn was in MAJOR need of being mowed. With hubby sleeping days and so tired on his days off, combined with the rain, it had gotten a bit long. He went out and mowed tonight after dinner. I wanted to get the dandelion puffs in the picture. Our lawn was covered in them.


  1. Great smile! Love it. Have a great week.

  2. He is so precious! Cute fish shot too!

  3. Great shots - love those baby Smiles!

  4. That smile had me grinning. Well done on this week's words.

  5. Good Set. - Smile was so precious.
    Fun idea for Fish.

  6. I can't help myself - your baby is so cute.

  7. Great shots! And what a sweet baby! Thanks so much for joining us in the Leap Into Spring Photo Challenge. I'm still playing catch-up and commenting on last week's entries. Forgive me for being late! If you haven't already entered our finale giveaway, don't forget to do so! Have a great day. :)


Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love to read your comments, so please leave me one if you have the time.

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