Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dyson Housewarming Event Featuring the Dyson DC23 TurbineHead Vacuum

Time to bring you another wonderful giveaway!!

Welcome to the Dyson Housewarming Giveaway event. This took months in the making and Mom to Bed by 8, the Iowa Mom is proud to bring you this fantastic home essential and offer you the chance to win one too!  I am so glad to be able to join in. Big thank you to our lovely co-hosts How to Have It All, Mark Your Savings and GiveAway Bandit.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: May 30, 2012 (w/linky)- Poor Sick Girls

So this is why we didn't get anything done last week. Poor little things spent most of 3 days sleeping. These pictures are all from the same day (I believe Wednesday). They would wake up enough to move a bit and then lay back down.

Tots and Me

Tiny Talk Tuesday: May 29, 2012

It was so cute yesterday. I am a tad impressed by the workings of my daughter's brain. I had been passing out watermelon cubes and had placed 3 in front of Tabitha. As the bowl went around the table I decided they could have 10 pieces. I asked Tabitha how many more pieces she would need to make 10. She thought about it a few seconds and said, "Two and Five."

Monday, May 28, 2012

Tuesday's Giveaway Link Up- May 29, 2012

Welcome to Tuesday's Giveaway Link Up with your hosts Aimee @ Classified: Mom & Karen @ Tots and Me & Alicia @ McCrenshaw's Newest Thoughts!

This link up will be posted Monday at 7 PM est. and run all week long! Make sure you stop in as often as you can to list your latest giveaways.

Here is how to use the Giveaway Link Up

1. Post your reviews and/or giveaways, as many as you have, be sure to add the end date (family friendly please)

2. Help spread the word about the giveaway link up by grabbing our button, Tweeting or posting on Facebook. (Not mandatory- but it helps get more exposure to your giveaways as well!)

3. Take a moment to enter any giveaway that strikes an interest to you!

If you would  like to follow the three hostesses, we will gladly follow you back! Simply leave us a message to do so.

Thank you for linking up with  Aimee @ Classified: Mom & Karen @ Tots and Me & Alicia @  McCrenshaw's Newest Thoughts! 

Muffin Tin Monday: Red, White and Blue

Muffin Tin Monday at

Happy Memorial Day
Today's muffin tin is just a Red White and Blue muffin Tin. The girls seem to be enjoying it.

Red grape tomatoes
White Cheddar Cheese Star
Blue Drink
Red, white and blue fruit salad consisting of blueberries, watermelon and cool whip. (It was supposed to be apples for the white, but we didn't have any.
Red, white and blue Jell-o salad (the white is cool whip again)
Peanut butter and apple butter star sandwich

And here is baby Harold (with daddy Harold) sharing in the festivities with his cute outfit.

Fire and Ice Father's Day Event

Huge Thank You to the Sponsors: 

What does dad like? Well if he's like most he loves to light the Grill and "Fire" up some great food. Where does he get his food to grill for the families delight? Well, Dad packs up his cooler filled with "Ice" and reels in the big one! Most likely he'll want to spoil mom with some fabulous Jewelery from Sapphira Designs so she'll run to the "icy" grocery store for some fixins'. 

Thanks to our great sponsors your great dad can win:
1-NorCross Hawkeye F33P Portable Fish Finder Valued at $50 from NorCross Freedom Club

One Jewelry Set From Sapphira Designs 

One 3 piece Grill Set  

Three piece grill set may be different than the sample picture

Disclaimer * SavyGreenSaver and NorCross Freedom Club are responsible for sending out gifts listed above.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Baby Shower Celebration: My Day Registry Review and Giveaway (open worldwide)

Tots and Me

SoSnap Giveaway

I am joining in, once again with some other great bloggers to bring you this giveaway for this really cute product called SoSnap:
What are SoSnaps?

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Free Sign Ups for Fire and Ice Father's Day Giveaway

Here is a new Free Blogger Sign up for Father's Day with some cool prizes. Some for dad and some for dad to give to mom.
It is the Fire and Ice Father's Day Giveaway.

Dates are May 28th 12:01 am to June 8th 12:01 am.
There are grill related prizes and a NorCross Hawkeye F33P Portable Fish Finder Valued at $50. Then there is also some jewelry.

You can choose to be a sponsor for $10 which will give you back links, twitter, Facebook and third url option for a feed or follow.
You can also choose to host by paying $2 or sharing a post (as I am doing) to spread the word.
Check it out and fill out the form here. (And it does start on May 28th, not on the 27th as stated in the form. I asked her)

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: May 27, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday items: Beneath Your Feet, Capturing Movement, Texture, Face Your Fears and Currently

Beneath Your Feet

If I walk up the steps in the front of our house I will find broken concrete and weeds under my feet. We don't use this door and this is one of the reasons. 

Capturing Movement
I am not sure if I really like this picture of our fan.

But I know I love the shots of my little guy and all his excited movement when we play and conversate.

I took this shot while we were outside getting ready for our first picnic/cook out of the year. Our tree is surrounded by this big rocks and inside the rocks are some plants and this piece of wood. (This was all here when we moved in)

Face Your Fears

I am facing my fears of bees/wasps to weed around our front porch. We have seen yellow jackets flying around the corner of the porch and going underneath. Here's hoping there is no nest, but I think there is. 

We need it weeded because we are currently focused on gardens in our lesson time and we want to plant some sunflowers. 

And linking up my favorite photo 
(He loves to sit in the corner of the couch and socialize with me (and sissies). I love his expression here.


Happily Mother After

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli

Friday, May 25, 2012

Lovin' The Weekend Blog Hops Week 34: May 25-May27 2012

Welcome to the thirty-fourth weekend of Lovin' the Weekend Blog Hops.
Come and see what is new!

Giveaway Linky is the bottom linky!

First things first:
Don't forget to check out my co-host's blog
Adventures of the Mommy Homemaker

In case you didn't know, I have also started randomly choosing a Featured host each week from the Lovin' The Readers linky. Unfortunately this week I waited a little late to contact the person whose blog I randomly drew. As I have not heard from her yet there will be no Featured Host this week. As of right now she will be next week's Featured Host. If I don't hear from her I will draw someone new for next week. 

Please make sure to stop by and say hi to my co-host though. Don't forget to link up to the Lovin' the Readers Hop if you would like a chance to be a Featured host next week. Please comment with a way to contact you, especially if there is not an obvious way mentioned on your blog. I would love to include a little write up about you and your blog in the next week's Lovin' The Weekend Blog Hop post, including a link to your blog. And you will get to include the linky codes on your blog. Sound fun? Looking forward to getting to know my readers better.

Here's how this blog hop works. I would appreciate it if you would follow me and my co-host via GFC. If you no longer have GFC please follow me some other way. After that there are three different linkys you can link to. Whichever one you choose to link to, please grab that button and share it on your blog (the codes are on my sidebar). I'd love it if you could tweet or in some other way share about this blog hop, the more people who know about it, the more potential visitors and new followers of your blog. I'd love to meet some new friends this weekend.  
I have noticed that some people are more interested in just increasing their numbers, while others really want people who appreciate their blog and want to keep up with their posts. So, I decided to create two separate linkys. The third linky is for you to link up your giveaways.

If you are interested in increasing the number of followers to your blog via GFC, Linky Followers, email, Twitter, Facebook or Google+ link up here. I will follow you back if you follow me (just note which one you are linking to):

Tots and Me

If you are interested in gaining followers to your blog who will read and comment and truly find an interest in your blog, link up here:

Tots and Me

If you have family friendly giveaways to link up, here's your spot. Please make sure to include an end date for your giveaway.

Tots and Me

I am so glad you stopped by. Please leave a comment if you link up and I will be sure to stop by and follow back.

Don't forget to check out my "Blog Hops" page for other great weekend blog hops!!

Don't forget to check out:
Tots and Me
One ends tomorrow and the last one starts on Monday.

Giveaway Winner Announcement-Kindle

The winner of the Kindle Fire is.......entry number #157,760 put in by 

**********REGINA MALLOY! *****************

Regina's method of entry will be verified, if it is not valid a new winner will be selected. Regina, I just sent you an email you have 24 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen! Congratulations on your new Kindle Fire! 

Free Sign Ups for Baby Shower Celebration-My Day Registry

It's Coming

My last Baby Shower Celebration Giveaway is almost here. And I would love your help promoting it! 

A great gift, not only for a Baby Shower or birth of a baby, but for many special occasions in your life (or maybe just for the person who is hard to buy for). Check out my Sponsor Spotlight post for more information.

You can sign up for free, no fees at all. All I ask is that you help get the word out about my giveaway to help celebrate our baby boy.  I ask that you post the giveaway with Rafflecopter on your blog when it goes live on May 28th. In addition, I ask that you post on Facebook and/or Twitter at least 3 times. Once at the beginning, once in the middle and once on the last day as a reminder. If you agree to do this you can sign up and receive 1 Free link on my Rafflecopter form (Facebook). 
In addition, if you share about these Free Sign Ups on your blog or Facebook page I will give you a second link (Twitter).  However, this is completely optional.
Sign ups are open until May 26th at 10pm.

Tots and Me

Baby Shower Celebration: Sponsor Spotlight: My Day Registry

What better way to celebrate the birth of a child than to register the day as his or her very own. I have saved this very special sponsor for last. A way to close out my Baby Shower Celebration with a bang. I realize these giveaways have gone on a lot longer than planned. After having 6 other children you would have thought I would have known that there was no way I was going to have decent computer time with a newborn. I hope you have enjoyed all the great Baby and Mommy giveaways that have been a part of my Baby Shower Celebration. Now, to spotlight my last sponsor. 

"MyDayRegistry is a unique online registry that allows you to dedicate and register a specific day to recognize a special person or event in your life. It's a great way to let family and friends know how much they mean to you and makes for a creative and thoughtful gift that lasts a lifetime! "

What a wonderful and unique gift to give someone for the birth of their baby. 

"When you dedicate a day to yourself or a loved one, you receive a beautifully framed certificate as proof of registration and ownership."

Every certificate is printed on a beautiful high quality parchment paper and personalized for your special occasion in modern calligraphy.

The certificate is then set in a contemporary floating frame of your choice—a perfect conversation piece for the home or office!

Of course, registering the birth of a baby would be awesome, a wonderful welcome into this world. But there are so many other occasions you could choose from. 

Wedding Day
Birthdays (especially milestone birthdays like Sweet 16)
Mother's Day (how about 1st Mother's Day)
Father's Day( yep, 1st Father's Day would be special too)
Graduation (preschool, high school, college, etc)

And the list goes on and on. What special day can you think of that you would like to commemorate? Would you want to register a day for yourself? Would you register the day for someone special in your life? 

The possibilities are endless!!

Not only do you get to register the day in one of three registries (your state, your country-United States, United Kingdom, Canada or Australia, or worldwide) and receive an awesome certificate like the one pictured above, but you also get to create your online profile.

"Every registered owner receives an online profile that can be personalized with pictures, video, and more!

Every owner's exclusive title and ownership rights are recorded in the official International Day Registry database."


Head on over to and check it out. 
And then stop by next week for my review and a great giveaway. Just a little hint, there will be more than one winner!!
(And if you are a blogger, stop by here to join in with my Free Blogger Opp)


The Baby Shower Celebration has obviously been extended so please ignore the dates on the image (I just didn't have any time to make a new one) It was extended because of several unforeseen circumstances. 
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