Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tiny Talk Tuesday: February 21, 2012

In Everything 
Tiny Talk Tuesday is now being hosted by Kelly over at In Everything

Well, our special little boy is here!! Harold Edward III (also known as Harold Junior Junior) joined us via c-section on Friday February 17th.  The children were told that they would get to come and visit on Saturday. This is what daddy told me happened on Saturday morning.  Amelia came into our bedroom fully dressed except for her shoes, woke daddy up, stated she had made and eaten her own waffle breakfast and gave daddy some clothes. Then she said, "I'm ready to go see baby Harold."

They came to visit mommy in the hospital a couple more times. While they were there the last time I was changing his diaper. Amelia looked over and said, "What’s that coming out of his butt?” After an uncomfortable pause I told her it was his...well...penis.

Today she was looking at him and said, "He looks so much cute."

I guess daddy was picking on his mom, who is down helping with the children, a little while ago and Tabitha told him, "If you pick on her one more time, I'm going to call her your grandma."

Hannah's vocabulary is growing quite fast now. It was so cute last week, we were going through a bag of clothes that had been given to us for Harold. We kept saying "Harold" as we pulled them out. Then suddenly Hannah piped up and said, "Har row."

Let's see, she also says, "cor" for popcorn, "cree" or "cream" or "i cream" for ice cream, and ball for football and ball.


  1. That's so sweet!!! I'm glad they were excited to see him.

  2. LOL, that is precious. Children keep us laughing don't they! Welcome to Harold. I'm so happy for your family!

  3. yea!!!! oh these are the best wordless wednesday pictures there ever were!! congats to all of you!! My first 3 were girls too....when my son was born it to me awhile to adjust to diaper changes..haha....good luck to all of you and congrats!!


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