Friday, February 24, 2012

Giveaway Opportunity at The Parenting Patch: 2 Diaper Cakes

I was visiting the blogs that have posted about my Baby Shower Giveaway and I found a great giveaway for 2 Diaper Cakes with newborn diapers (they can actually be stacked to make one big cake too). I know these would be so cute for bringing to a baby shower, though I would probably be keeping these for myself having a newborn in the house. If you are planning on attending a baby shower or expecting a baby of your own stop on over to The Parenting Patch to enter this great giveaway.


  1. I love diaper cakes. I made them for my sisters shower. They were big hits.

  2. Those are some very sweet girls you have! I'm here on a blog hop--am probably doing it all wrong:).


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