Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Baby Shower Celebration: Sponsor Spotlight: Bamboobies

Let me introduce you to another great product for nursing mothers. Bamboobies Washable Nursing Pads are a unique product invented by a nursing mother who was looking for something not only comfortable and stylish, but earth friendly as well.  Enter, Bamboobies, the ultra-soft, ultra-thin, heart shaped washable nursing pads made from bamboo and organic cotton. 

"Regular Bamboobies® have a milk-proof™ outer layer and an ultra-soft organic cotton + bamboo velour
inside layer. They are heart-shaped, which enables the pad to cup the breast without creating visible wrinkles.
Regular Bamboobies® are designed to absorb the maximum amount of milk without being thick & visible
through clothing."

Not only do they offer these awesome nursing pads, but they also have overnight nursing pads, which are thicker and larger:

The Bamboobies Cute Little Nursing Cover

and Bamboo-ease Therapy Pillows.

Don't forget to stop back during the Baby Shower Celebration for an opportunity to enter a giveaway from Bamboobies.



  1. Hey,thanks for visiting and commenting at I love visitors! I've never heard of these nursing pads. Will tell my daughter about them. She's due in two weeks, but may go sooner. She is about to pop! Blessings to you!

  2. I love Bamboobies. They were my favorite nursing pads when I was nursing. They are incredibly soft and I LOVE the heart shape!


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