Thursday, February 23, 2012

Baby Shower Celebration: Sponsor Spotlight: Undercover Mama


So far all of the products I have shared with you for the Baby Shower Celebration have been for the baby. How about something for mom this time. I was thrilled when Undercover Mama agreed to sponsor my event. I have seen the Undercover Mama shirt reviewed on other blogs and I love the thought of this ingenious shirt. 

I am convinced that breastfeeding is very important for babies. But I still feel very self conscious when I am out and about and need to nurse the baby. I am a very modest and very private person. I have a nursing cover that I use, but none of the girls have been very receptive of this silly cover over their heads. Besides, as the babies pull at the cover it is very common for my sides to be exposed. Enter, the Undercover Mama shirt:
Black Nursing Shirt
Created by a mom who was frustrated with the lack of options for nursing wear:
"The Undercover Mama is a strapless camisole that attaches right to any nursing bra. Layer it under any shirt, keeping your style without having to invest in a whole new wardrobe of nursing shirts. Essentially, Undercover Mama easily transforms any shirt into a nursing shirt!
With two attachment options included with every shirt, Undercover Mama will work with any nursing bra...and you can continue to use it as an undershirt with your regular, non-nursing bras when you are finished breastfeeding."

The Undercover Mama is available in 7 different colors. You can purchase one for $24.99, and right now they are offering a quantity discount plus FREE SHIPPING if you order 2 or more shirts. 

Don't forget to stop back during the Baby Shower Celebration for an opportunity to enter a giveaway for your own Undercover Mama shirt.


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