Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday Muffin Tin Dinner

So how do we celebrate the Super Bowl? Why, by having a Super Bowl Muffin Tin Dinner of course.

I prepared a couple of plates of food and a muffin tin of veggies and dip

Our veggie tin with Ranch Dip, Cream Cheese/Salsa dip and Guacamole 
Mushrooms, Olives, Red Peppers, Green Peppers, Cucumbers and Broccoli
Plus some cheese strips and Corn Chips.
And can't forget the bread footballs with Go Giants written on them.

Then I made some Deviled Egg Footballs, this was something I pinned from Lillian McKay Designs

We also had "Pigs in a Blanket" which I found at the Pillsbury site and some football shaped sandwiches (also found at Lillian McKay Designs.)

The girls then got to put together their own tins. 

Amelia tried to take all the cucumbers. I explained that would probably be greedy.
So this is what she ended up with:

Tabitha is not very adventurous, so no dip for her.

And Hannah got a bit of everything, though she didn't eat it all.

I am linking this to

Muffin Tin Monday at

Project Pinterest


  1. That looks like lots of fun! So much variety and cookies & eggs made to look like footballs.

  2. looks like a party at your house!!

  3. Looks like a fun meal! My family supported the Giants too- we're Steeler's fans, but when the Patriots are playing, I think Steeler's fans will always choose whoever's playing the Pats!!

  4. That is so cute and looks so fun! I need to be more creative at meal time.

  5. I love the egg footballs! so cute! what a great idea! Yeah for Giants!

  6. I love the eggs! What a great way to celebrate!

  7. This is too cute! I think I need to get more muffin tins though! LOL!

    By the way love your music!


  8. What fun! Looks like you really got into the spirit of the event!

  9. LOL what a cute fun way to celebrate with the family.


  10. Love the football theme muffin tins!

  11. We cheered for the same team:) Great ideas. Thanks for linking up to the NOBH


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