Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Wordless Wednesday: August 14, 2019 (w/linky) - End of Summer Reading Program Parties

Summer Reading actually ended a couple of weeks ago, but I had to share the pictures from the children going to camp, so I put this post off a week. Our local Summer Reading program party was Wednesday, July 31st, and the Summer Reading program we go to in the nearest town with a library was Friday, August 2nd.

On Wednesday, we headed over to the park for the party. The children finished spending their summer reading dollars, chose their last free book, and then we got to have pizza and sundaes. Then the children and I played with Harold's plane, which he had "bought" with summer reading dollars earlier in the month.

Sadly the plane broke when Harold grabbed it too tightly while catching it.

When we got home they wanted to use some of their new things.

Two days later we had our other party.

First they got to disintegrate alien heads.

Then we ate. Again, pizza, but this time there were also chips and cookies. Then the kids got ice cream sandwiches.

One of the games was Ring the Planet. The planets would be the balls in the background. I don't think daddy quite understood how to play. LOL!

Ah, now he's got it!

No hubby! No!

Another activity was attempting to work on nuts and bolts while wearing gloves, like astronauts would have to do.

And they could make necklaces if they wanted to. Harold decided to make an alien.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

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