Welcome back to this year's NOT Back to School Blog Hop. This year I have been giving you A Peek into Our Homeschool. It's hard to believe that today is the last day.
Day 5: Our Homeschool Space
Welcome back to our home.
We would like to once again welcome you inside.
Today I would like to show you where we homeschool. How I've organized our space. In fact, I decided it would be fun to look back several years to see how our space has evolved. Would you like to take a journey through memory lane with me?
I wish we could go back even further, but we are going back five years.
Back then Harold was just starting to join us more officially. I believe this was the year I had him down as being in Tot School. It was also the year we were using workboxes, still using the little table for the younger two to work at, had the old taller easel, and had the coffee table against the wall by the steps.
I was shocked to learn we got these cubbies four years ago. I did not realize we have had them so long. At this point the coffee table went back into the living room. These really helped us to keep organized much better, though still not anywhere near perfectly.
We also had our small maps on the wall now, plus our new "calendar time" materials on the wall. And the small table was now used for the old computer as we had gotten a new computer in the living room.
The letter of the week poster was used for our My Father's World kindergarten unit which Hannah was working through, while Harold did preschool letter of the week activities.
It was also the year we got our new easel.
And I definitely wasn't keeping the cubbies or bookshelf as neat. If I remember right, we were still trying to finish up our material from the last school year on the "first day of school," so all of our new year materials weren't out until October.
Not a lot of changes in the room arrangement in 2016.
And I definitely wasn't keeping the cubbies or bookshelf as neat. If I remember right, we were still trying to finish up our material from the last school year on the "first day of school," so all of our new year materials weren't out until October.
Again, not a lot of change in the room arrangement.
Last year we did some more rearranging.
I finally got rid of the letter of the week poster and moved the calendar to above the cubbies as we weren't doing calendar time exactly the same anymore. And hubby had found these neat, colorful bins to help organize our supplies. Plus we got a "new" table and desk from the auction. We love that desk for the computer, and those drawers are helpful for storing things.
Those pictures above, for 2018, are what I plan to have our room look like in two weeks. I have a bit of work ahead of me. Cleaning and organizing. However, there really aren't going to be any changes in our school area. Technically, I notice I usually share the dining room. However, we school in the living room as well, using that computer, plus it is where I will read to the children. Additionally, the kitchen counts as a learning area, as the children help with cooking and cleaning. So, home ec. Plus the older girls do schoolwork up in their room. I hope to have everything ready for first day of school pictures the first week of September. We just finished our last week of summer session, so things have been a bit crazy and I didn't get the cleaning/organizing done that I wanted to.
The scary thing is, it has definitely been worse, and I don't have near as much to worry about this year as I have in the past.
I plan on, hopefully getting a cursive alphabet banner to go with the print banner. I will also finally be getting rid of the kindergarten picture cards. All the children know their letter sounds and know how to read. I do want the banners up so they can work on proper letter formation, plus the younger two use them for help with alphabetizing.
Yeah, and this map is being replaced. I'm not exactly sure what happened this year.
So, that is where we homeschool. At one point I thought I would use the "play room" as a school room, but I have since learned that homeschool is not the same as public school where learning is relegated to one area. We utilize the whole house plus.
Thank you so much for stopping by to learn a bit more about our family and homeschool. I hope this peek into our homeschool gave you some ideas and/or encouragement.

Chareen @ Every Bed of Roses - ABC of Homeschooling
Dawn @ Schoolin' Swag - Adding Fun to Your Homeschool Day
Erin @ For Him and My Family - Large Family Homeschooling
Lori @ At Home Where Life Happens - Learning Life Skills
Monique @ Mountain of Grace Homeschooling - Homeschooling the High School Years
Monique D. @ Early Learning Mom - Homeschooling With Autism
Yvie @ Homeschool On the Range - 5 Days of Upper Grades Homeschooling
Abby @ Making Room 4 One More - Time Management for Homeschool Moms
Amanda @ Hopkins Homeschool - 5 Days of Homeschool Questions
Amy @ the WRITE Balance - Year-Round Schooling
Annette @ A Net in Time - Homeschooling.
Betty @ Lets Get Real - Homeschooling High School
Cassandra @ My Blessed Mess - Eclectic Homeschooling
Yvonne @ The Life We Build - 5 Days of Relaxed Homeschooling
Destiny @ Some Call It Destiny - Encouragement for the Homeschooling Mom
Cassie D @ Deputie Tribe - Homeschooling 6 Taking Care of YOU
Kristen Heider @ A Mom's Quest to Teach -Theme: A Quest for a Great Homeschool Year
Patti Pierce - Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy - My Favorite Homeschooling Things
Wendy @ Life on Chickadee Lane - 5 Days of Nature Study
Jacquelin @ A Stable Beginning - Homeschooling my final 4
Christine @ Life's Special Necessities - Yes! You Can Homeschool Your Special Needs Child
Sally M - Tell the Next Generation - Tips for Homeschooling Struggling Learners
Kim @ Good Sweet Love - Last Year of Elementary
Love seeing how your room changed! The bins are a great idea. And I seem to have a US map that has met a similar fate to your world one - I keep looking in the dollar store (where we go the US one) for a replacement. Maybe soon as it is back to school time.